You know you're precious to her...

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You know you're precious to her...

"'Cause you're the apple to my pie~! You're the straw to my berry! You're the smoke to my high and you're the one I wanna marry~ 'Cause you're the one for me, and I'm the one for you, You take the both of us and we're the perfect two~!", you sang happily 'Perfect two' by Auburn as you danced through your room early in the morning. You were still totally happy about yesterday, where it finally was only the three of Takao, Midorima and you again. It was such a great feeling to be with them without Haruka clining on Midorima like her life depended on it.

You danced and sang along to the song until it was interrupted. "Hm? Why did you stoooop~?", you whined at your radio as it stopped the song and walked over to it. Hearing a voice of a certain horoscope you turned the volume even louder than before and listened closely. "It's a bit too early for it, but now it's time for Oha Asa everyone. Listen closely, because it's going to be important to some of you out there!"

'Ah, it's Mido-kun's obsession...', you smiled as you listened to it, remembering the day he told you about it. Giggling you looked at the radio. "Everyone with the sign Cancer should be careful today! Without having your lucky item with you, you're going to be the unluckiest person today. So you better keep a silver necklace with a (f/c) colored orb in a heart shape close to you. Good luck everyone, we'll see you tomorrow! ", and so the horscope ended.

Wondering about the description of the lucky item, your favorite necklace came into your mind. Your parents gave you exactly the necklace that was described to your fivth birthday when you were at the arcade game with all your friends, inculding a certain green haired teenager you knew. Smiling to yourself at the memory you looked inside your jewelry box and immediatly found it. "I could bet that Haruka will have his lucky item for him, but since she thinks it's awkward the expectation is very low... I'll put it in my schoolbag in case he needs it.", you hummed and stuffed the necklace into your bag.

"I'm off to school, bye, love you!", you yelled through your house to your parents. "Love you too sweetie." "Have a good day honey!", your parents yelled back and soon heared the door shut close.

Sighing your father let the newspaper down a bit. "What do you think?", he asked your mother, who walked out of the kitchen towards her husband. "Since he has a girlfriend it will be complicated to make her confession.", your mother said and looked at the door.

"Plus, our little girl seems to get more and more insecure with every day that pass.", she murmured and sighed like your father did before. "I noticed it too... I swear, when he hurts my little girl, I will-!" "-Comfort her and not kill her best friend? Sounds great darling.", your mother interrupted your father, who shut up quiet quickly after the death glare he received from her.

~* Outside *~

"(N/N)-chaaaan~!", you heared Takao scream as he ran up to you and enveloped you into a bone-crushing hug. "K-Ka... zu... a-air...!", you told him more or less and tried to tap him on the shoulder... what didn't work. "(N/N)-chan, I'm so happy you're finally here! Shin-chan was so mean to me again!", the black-haired male told you and nuzzled his head into your neck. "Takao, stop it, you're crushing her.", another voice greeted you and walked up to the scene.

"M-Morning... M-Mido... kun", you greeted your friend and weakly lifted your hand as your face turned pale. "Hm? Am I?", Takao blinked a few times before he took a look at your pale face. "Ah, I'm sorry!!", he yelled and released you from the hug. You took a really deep breath and then looked at Takao for a while.


"Y-You're not angry, a-are you...?", he asked and took a step back. Midorima looked at you and for once in his life, he wasn't sure what you were going to do. Usually he could see what you would do in your eyes, but now... he couldn't see anything. "Kazu-nii...", you finally said, which made both of them flinch a little. Takao eyed you carefully, ready to run off any moment, but he relaxed once he saw you're smiling face.

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