So we meet again

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Today is our third day and it's safe to say that all we did yesterday was sleep and eat pizza also some ice cream. But now we decided to take a look around the ship see what it has to offer. Also we are currently on our way to St. Martin which is still a two more day trip.

Anyway back to business, currently Lorena and I are at one of the ships clubs dancing and having a few drinks (no-alcoholic). Suddenly the DJ began playing the song earned it -The weekend and as we all have that one song that makes us dance very provocative well this one is mine. I started to swing my hips to the beat of the song while singing the lyrics. After a while a pair of hand where placed on my hips making me stop dancing and turn around. Only to find Jason with his red hat again. I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow at him then ask:

-Can I help you?

He nods and says:

-Yes, you could help me by dancing with me instead of giving all these other guys a show.

I scoff at him and with my arms till crossed I step away from him and tell him:

-I don't even know you.

-Then let me change that.

I stare at him and scoff then I turn around and look for my sister. After five minutes of looking for her I found her outside of the club talking on the phone

-I know babe, I miss you too. Yes I'm having fun, no not that kind of fun!

-Hey Lorena, ready to go?

She looks at me and nods then says to the phone

-Hey David baby I got to go call you later. Love you too! Bye.

David is her boyfriend of three years, he is pretty much family now. He wanted to come with us but he had to work, but they still get to talk constantly on the phone.

-How's David?

-He's great, sad that he couldn't get out of work to come with us but he said that we should still have fun, but not too much.

I laugh then say

-Typical. Hey let's go check out that game room place yeah?

She nods and we begin our journey. Not really since it was just like two halls down. The first thing I see when we go in is a TV with PlayStation 4 and pretty much all of the best games there is I chose 'Call of duty Black ops 3' and begin to play with Lorena. I manage to kill her and win. I holler

-In your face! Finally I beat you ha-ha!

-Whatever Clara! You still suck!

She then turns around with a smirk on her face and selects the next game. Racing.

-Ugh you know how badly I suck at this game Lori!

I whine and her smirk gets bigger.

-I know.

We begin playing and a few minutes later she is in my face singing:

-I beat you! I totally beat you! I wooooon! WOHOOO!

I roll my eyes at her and stick out my tongue.

-Oh real mature!

Then she repeats my action.

-So we meet again

We turn around and see Jason again. I sigh and say:

-What now?

-Nothing just came to play some games. Didn't take you as the black ops and racing game type of girl.

-Well I didn't peg you as the stalking type. Come on lets go Lori.

I take her arm and pull her out of the room. She then wiggles out of my grip and makes me stop. She puts her hands on her hips and says:

-What the hell was that all about? I thought you guys were friends?

-Nothing. It's just that he was being a jerk earlier and reminded me of Erik. SO I kind of acted like a bitch to him.

Erik is my ex, we dated a few months back and he got jealous easily and was a huge jerk that then cheated on me. I'm over him but I now hold grudges to people who act similar.

-Well he isn't Erin ok? But he is interested why don't you go and talk to him and apologize and maybe even start over.


-Good now if you need me I'll be at the pools.

I nod at her and make my way back to the game room. He is playing the racing game and is currently first place. I took a seat next to him and said:

-Wow you are really good!

This makes him jump on his seat and swerve on the game. He quickly glances sideways at me and says:

-Jesus Christ woman! DO you want to give me a heart attack?!

-Sorry! I didn't know you were that focused on the game!

- Well I was! Jesus! Why the hell would you do that?

-I'm sorry! I came back to apologize for being so mean to you.

He put the game on pause and fully turns to me.

-It's fine. I was being kind of a jerk

-Kind of?

-Ok I was being a real jackass. And I'm sorry. It's just that being in the presence of such beauty...

-Really this again?

-Yes, this again.

I chuckle at him and he smiles at me and says:

-How about we star over?

I nod and extend my hand towards him

-Hello my name is Clara McArthur , I am from Miami, Florida, I have two siblings and I like ice-cream at night.

He chuckles and takes my hand placing a kiss on the back of it which makes me roll my eyes at him

-Hey, I'm Jason Green, I'm from Ontario, Canada, I have an older brother and I also like ice-cream at night. And I was wondering if you would like to have lunch with me?

I nod at him and say

-Only if it's hamburgers.

-Well of course.

He smiles at me and we begin to make our way to the buffet area.

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