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After we get our food we go towards one of the more secluded tables which is next to a huge window that overlooks to the ocean and we take a seat and begin to eat. He looks up at me as he eats and sends me a closed mouth smile and I laugh sense he has ketchup on his chin. I point to it and tell him:

-You have a little something there.

-Want to get it?

I roll my eyes at him and give him a napkin he pouts and takes it then wipes his chin and flashes me a big grin. I just shake my head at him but still smile back.

- So whats your story?

I ask him.

-My story? Well it's not really that interesting. I grew up on a farm with my brother Adrian, who is also here somewhere, and my parents. They are back at home. Adrian bought the tickets as a graduation gift. Um I am going to study Journalism and I guess that's all.

I raise a brow at him and say

-So why journalism?

-I like reading a lot and also I love to write. So anyway what about you? What are you going to study in college?

-I want to study Anthropology with a minor in literature.

-That's pretty cool.


-What about you what's your story?

- Well there is not much to tell. I've lived all my life in Miami. I have two siblings one which you've met Lorena she is 21 and Lewis who is 24. My parents bout us the tickets as my birthday present and a go away present sine I'm leaving for college and my siblings are moving out. So yeah that's my story, not really interesting at all. Oh I also have a dog, his name is Puppy.

-You have a dog named Puppy?

-Yes. I was 6 when I named him okay? And also every dog in my mind will always be a puppy no matter how big or old it is.

I point at him with a playful glare on my eyes and he raises his hand in a surrender motion with a smile on his face.

-Hey I wasn't making fun of you I just curious about why you named him that way. But I guess I can also relate as I am a dog person my self. We have guard dog a German Shepherd and we call him Rocky.

I laugh and ask

-Why Rocky?

He chuckles and says

-He is huge and likes to get into fights a lot also he sometimes even eats rocks.

-He eats rocks?

-Yeah . It began when we, my brother and I were playing with him and threw a rock for him to catch, he jumped and began to chew it like if it where a piece of meat. And thus began the name Rocky.

-Wow. I'm honestly afraid to see that dog.

He chuckles and says

-He is actually a sweetheart.

I smile and then I look out the window and notice the sun was setting. I let out a sigh and looked back at him and notice he was already starring at me which makes me blush and look back out the window and towards the sea. I notice something on the water and I grab his arm and pull him with me towards the glass and then I point to the sea while saying.

-Look a dolphin!

We get closer and see when two dolphins jump up from the water then twist and fall back in. I smile bigger and say

-They are so beautiful

-Yes you are, I mean yes they are.

He blushes and so do I and we turn back to view the amazing sea creature as the sun continues it's descent.

After a while of staring at each other and out the window I say

-I should be heading back my brother is a bit too overprotective and it's also getting late.

He nods and gets up with me and says

-I'll walk you.

I smile at him and nod. We make it to my room and I open the door with the card and turn towards him and say

-Thanks for today. I had fun.

I smile at him and he walks closer to me then places a hand on my hip and gives me a kiss on the cheek and whispers on my ear

-Me too. See you tomorrow.

Then places another kiss on my cheek. He moves away and sends me a sexy smirks and leaves. I lean back on the door and I fell with a loud thud (forgetting I had opened the door) I hear Jason let out a chuckle as he turned around and asked

-You okay?

I nod blushing and close the door with my foot as I was still laying on the floor. I let myself fall back down after I heard the door click shut then I noticed my sisters booming laughter coming from inside the room which makes my face heat up even more than before and I yell at her

-Shut it Lori!

Which she ignores and continues to laugh. I walk over to my drawer and get my pajamas and as I pass her I hit her with my clothes then run to the bathroom and laugh when I heard a soft thump as she fell backwards on the bed.

The next day we woke up do to the ship swaying constantly we all go out towards the deck trying to hold onto something since the ship isn't steady. On the deck where many others just as confused as us. we also notice that the waves where getting bigger and the deck was slippery from the water.

-Hello everyone this is your captain speaking. Sorry for any inconveniences but we have a small storm up ahead which we are trying to avoid. But as you can see the currents have been getting higher and stronger so we are going to stop the engines and continue our journey when the sea has calmed. I recommend for you all to stay indoors and avoid the deck and balconies for the time being.

Then everyone begins to do as the captain said and ran indoors. People began to push each other to make way for themselves or their families and I got pushed against the railing but since the floor was slippery I fell overboard.

The last thing I heard before I made it to the cold waters besides my terrified screams,where my siblings screaming my name and then a splash.

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