The End Is Near

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It was dawn, the sun was beginning to rise. Before today I would be safe on Olympus watching the blazing red sun rise, safe in Apollo's arms. But Apollo was standing several feet away, scratches all over his arms and several on his face. I, along with everyone else, was in battle armor. We were on the battlefield. Eris was dead and so were several others. We were silently awaiting our enemy.
But though we said nothing, everyone's minds were going a mile a minute. My powers guarding those who were seeking answers was kicking in. But their minds were going so fast I could not help. To make things worse, my own mind was going faster than I could fathom.
Where was Hades?
When we would he arrive?
Who would win?
What would happen after?
What would be Koios and I's punishment?
What would happen after the battle?
What would happen after the punishment?
These were only a few things that were going through my mind. There were others concerning Apollo, Athena, my mother, the Council, Eris. Even my own immortality. This was maddess, this was the insanity of battle.
The only one of us who was at ease was Ares, who lived for this. This was his creation but I fear this time the stakes were too high.
I turned to meet Apollo's gaze. He smiled weakly as if to comfort me. When I did not smile back the smile faded and he was solemn once again. He nodded as if he understood my pain and turned away. I knew then that I may feel lonely, but I was not alone.
Then I saw him, Hades, in is back chariot. Beside him was Persephone and following them in a silver chariot was their snake of a middle son, Erebus, and with him Koios. He was as dashing as ever in his armor. He did not see me yet, he would most definitely see me very soon, knowing his father.
Hades stopped his army in front of where Zeus stood in his own chariot with Hera, Athena and Ares had their own beside them. Hades surveyed us carefully, no doubt thinking of his impossible win.
His two sons did the same, but Erebus more so and Koios less so. When he saw me I held his gaze, e turned away first. It was now obvious we both felt true remorse for what had happened but if Hades won, it would not matter.
"Brother." Hades began. "I shall give you one last chance to surrender. I advise you take it before you all die."
"We shall never surrender to our inferiors. There is a reason you were stuck in that place all these years." Ares had answered for Zeus. Zeus put his hand out to silence him.
"Peace Ares. Brother, we will never surrender as long as Olympus stands." Hades chuckled like the monster he was.
"Oh soon, Olympus shall fall and you shall rest with the rest of your family in Tartus."
"If the Fates find this fit, that will happen. But don't think you will win easily if they do." I said proudly. Hades glared at me like I was poison.
"Always like your father aren't you Adrasteia." I just stared at him, shocked.
"What about my father? He was a mortal, he died when I was little." Hades chuckled.
"Your father was a king. Arcas, son of Castillo. He married your mother in secret and had you, a child out of wedlock. And do you know how he died?" I shook my head slowly. He grinned wickedly at me.
"I killed him. One of my sons, Sarpedon, wanted to assume his throne and I helped him. Are you proud of your weakling of a father now? Are you proud of the fallen king, the demigod who just sat on a throne? The one you never bothered to meet his own child? Are you proud?" I glared at him and Zeus stopped him from saying anymore.
"Brother, we must get to the matter at hand. Surrender yourself or the battle shall commence." Hades nodded and said,
"Then it shall begin." He waved his hand and his full army appeared, all the creatures of darkness and all of the monsters that are feared by all men. Zeus waved his hand and all the creatures that have helped mortals and are known to fight all creatures of darkness appeared at our sides, ready to attack.
Hades, not wanting to be outdone, made the first move. A creature in one of the first ranks attacked one of Apollo's men. The rest was a chain reaction, there was no time to think. Only react. I was soon fighting whatever came at me. I registered that Zeus, Athena, Hera, and Ares were taking on Hades and his insane family. Apollo was fighting one of their main guards I had seen in the Underworld and Koios was about to be killed by Ares? Or was it Athena. I didn't want him to die but I felt guilty knowing that it would simplify things if he did.
I fought and fought. As the battle went on Artemis and I fought together. We fought for all the fallen. Aella, Eris, all of them, even the nameless.
I saw Koios. When I was looking for another monster he made me look at him. I stared right into his eyes.
"You have to stay with Apollo. He loves you more than I ever could." Before I could say anything in reply he crushed his mouth onto mine one last time. Once he pulled away and I regained my senses he was gone.
Only minutes later I was hit in the back of the head my some skeleton minion. All went black, I thought I was going to die.
I woke up to someone shaking me sobbing,
"Wake up! Please Adrasteia, I love you, please wake up!" I slowly opened my eyes to see a hysterical Apollo. I had never seen him cry ever. When he saw I was awake he grabbed me and kissed me. I smiled weakly.
"What happened?" I asked. "What's going on." He pointed away from my cot to where Zeus and Hera stood cornering Hades and his family. Guards were everywhere.
"Hades ended up surrendering. They're deciding what to do with him now. Zeus said if they can;t agree they'll keep him in house arrest in the Underworld until they do. And for what happened to you, a skeleton minion hit you on the back of the head. You'll be okay but you might have a headache later." I nodded and sat up.
"Can I talk to Persephone?" He nodded and went to ask Zeus. In a few short minutes I was talking to Persephone.
"I know when I want to stay alive indefinitely."
"When they give you their punishment?" I nodded.
"Good choice. I am a person who stays to their word. I understand and I will tell Zeus what happened here."
"Thank you. I don't know how I could repay you." She smiled for the first time since I had known her.
"Don't worry. Do you think I would go against my mother if I wasn't married to Hades." I nodded.
"Goodbye for now?" She smiled again.
"Goodbye for now." She left.
When I returned Zeus just said,
"When we return to Olympus we will decide to do about you, young Koios, and my brother and his family." I nodded solemnly and prepared to depart. What would they do to me since they couldn't kill me?
What will her punishment be? Hmm... If only there were a way to find out... Oh ya! KEEP READING! and don't forget to vote and comment.

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