I Meet My Fate

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I was once a mortal girl in Ancient Greece who had never seen the oracle at Delphi let alone seen the great temple of Zeus. I was nothing special and I didn't thrive to be. I just had my mother. I didn't need anything else.

It seemed like a normal day when I woke up that Spring morning. It was simple and I had wanted to go pick flowers for our table that night. A touch of elegance in our small home, full of memories and family.

My father died when I was quite young. He had been sickly since my birth and died a quick death due to this when I was only one and a half.

My mother took down the pictures of him when he left. I found out this when I was looking for something in her dresser drawer. I felt bad for her sometimes, to have your love of your life die and to have to raise a little girl on your own (even if I was a pretty easy child).

Anyway, I went to go pick flowers that day my life changed when I was summoned. As an investment of some kind by one of the Olympians. As in the Olympian GODS.


I was out in the forest searching for things to use as still lifes for my paintings. Picking flowers was now forgotten. My mother sometimes sold them to keep us alive. Our lives were very simple, and yes, we were quite poor. But we got by so I wasn't expecting anything that came next.

That day I was surrounded by a bright light and when it was gone, they're stood a man in traditional Greek battle armor with what seemed like a stone.

"Are you Adrasteia?" He asked checking his "stone".

This couldn't be a GOD could it? No, they never came down to Earth.

"Yes, are you a, a..." The man cleared his throat.

"I am Lord Hermes. The 10th Olympian."

"An Olympian!" My limbs suddenly felt weak.

"Yes I am. Lord Zeus has requested you come to Olympus immediately."

"What, what about my mother? What will happen to her? I can't leave her all alone." He checked his "stone" again.

"It has all been arranged. She will expect you to visit as soon as possible. She knows we'll take care of you. Now if you could please..." I was so confused. But I would go and find out. I nodded curtly.

"Of course." I stammered.

He led me to a clear spot where there was only grass and that bright light once again surrounded me. This time when it was gone, I was in what seemed like a huge marble temple. It was fit for giants but the people in it were normal sized.

There didn't seem to be any furniture. But in the center of this great room were chairs. Twelve, to be exact, one for each Olympian God. In these chairs I recognized from descriptions I've heard.

Lord Zeus was in the center-most chair with Lady Hera on his left. Then Lord Poseidon on his right. On Hera's other side sat Ladies Aphrodite, Athena, Artemis, and Demeter. On Poseidon's other side sat Lords Ares, Apollo, Dionysus, Hermes, and Hephaestus.

I bowed respectfully but my legs felt weak. I was convinced I was going to fall down.

"My Gods and Goddesses," I murmured.

"Rise." Lord Zeus commanded. I did as I was told. Like his temple, he had a very commanding presence.

"We have summoned you here to offer you a great gift." I looked up in astonishment. What was the catch? Why would they give me, a simple peasant girl, an important, even life-changing gift? Why? What was even going on?

"Really my lord?" Zeus smiled and nodded.

"What gift is that?" I had a hunch but was afraid to ask.

"Immortality." I looked around to the Olympians.

On the woman's side Athena and Artemis smiled and Aphrodite winked like the troublesome goddess she was. I knew I would like Athena better. On the men's side Hermes was immersed in his "stone", Ares paid no attention to me (like I expected), Poseidon looked proud, and Apollo looked away, as if I was a disappointment. How odd.

Zeus began again,

"Yes. Well there is things I must discuss before. Could someone show her her rooms?" He turned to look at either side of the room. Artemis got up.

"Apollo and I will take her." Apollo looked up, obviously annoyed at his twin even if she was a red head and he was blond. Zeus nodded and Artemis said,

"Come on Adrasteia." I nodded and I went behind her, with Apollo trailing behind...


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