Abby Smith

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This chapter has now been edited (completely rewritten because it was trash) and updated. Kept the story line so its still a cliche plot, but I've cleaned it up a bit. Hopefully you guys like it!


Let me tell you, lugging grocery bags up three flights of stairs is fun for no one. No matter how much cardio you do.

This isn't exactly how I was hoping to spend my night; lugging groceries up the stairs at midnight, wearing pajamas and a bath robe. But Annabeth just had to eat the last of the bread. This unfortunately made us see the reality of our situation. Empty cabinets. Which unfortunately meant we had to go shopping.

Or rather, I had to go shopping.

Annabeth explained that she had to study, and the only real solution to our problem was for me to go out and do some emergency shopping. Which is hard to do when the nearest grocery store to our dorm was 30 minutes away. (Curse you school, for being so remote.)

So here I am, lugging groceries up the stairs in my pajamas, instead of being in bed in my pajamas.

Ah, if only some really strong, gorgeous guy would come by and see my dilemma, carry my bags for me, give me his number, and then kiss me for all I'm worth. We would get married and he would worship at my feet, and I wouldn't have to do a damn thing ever again.

But I digress. Back to reality.

Trying to unlock my door was a hassle. Finding my keys and trying to insert the right one in the lock became a big task when having my arms filled with bags of food.

Stumbling into our dorm, I barely made it in the door before spilling the bags to the floor and letting out a sigh of relief.

Annabeth sits in the same spot she was in when I left, however she now has her phone pressed to her ear. I try to be as quiet as I can while putting our food wherever I can manage.

"I don't know why my professor spent basically our entire lecture hour just talking about that pit. I mean, it's a mythology class for gods sake. There is so much more to talk about. I'm half convinced she's some sort of monster trying to get a rise out of me," Annabeth explained to the person on the other end of the line.

After a brief pause, she snorted.
"I'm sure that's it, Seaweed Brain."

I left her to the very confusing conversation she was having with 'Seaweed Brain' and figured that I would also be left with the task of putting the groceries away. As I lugged the bags towards our fridge and limited cabinet space, Annabeth continued her conversation without offering any acknowledgment to my presence.

She let out a sigh before continuing.
"Anyways, I barely made it through the whole thing, even while tuning her out. Today definitely hasn't been the best," she finished, looking exhausted.

After a moment, she closed her eyes and nodded her head, almost as if she was savoring the words 'Seaweed Brain' was telling her.

"I know. Thanks Percy, you've really helped. I miss you and I love you. I'll talk to you tomorrow, all right?"

When a blush began forming on her cheeks, I knew I really liked this guy 'Percy,' whoever he was. Anyone who can successfully make Annabeth Chase blush is good in my book.

She rolled her eyes, whispered one last "I love you," and ended the call.
I gave her a knowing smirk but she looked back at me with tired eyes.

"Go to sleep," I told her. "Dream about Percy. No more studying for tonight."

She agreed without argument and I helped her put her books away. We each climbed into our respective beds and I flipped the light switch.

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