Chapter 0: The Story

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A mother and her daughter were in a room, the mother tucked in the little girl into bed. The young girl looked at her mother slightly excited.

"Mama," she said with a bright smile, "I'm older now, can you pleeeeese tell me about cousin Ayumi and Sachiko?" She asked as she clapped her hands together and begged.

Her mother looked at her daughter confused. "You sure young one, it's getting late." She said with a slight chuckle of nervousness came out. The little girl only nodded.

The mother sighed and sat on her bed next to her. "Alright, but tell me when you had enough." she said. The girl nodded happily.

The woman sighed, "Let's first start off," she began, "about the deaths of a girl, teachers, and the principal."

The girl gave her mom a weird look but continued to listen.

"A school called Heavenly Host Elementary was torn down on November 18th, 1975 following a string of serial kidnappings and murders." The woman started again, "But it all started with the school nurse, Yoshie Shinozaki. It was a normal day till the principal, Takamine Yanagihori, wanted to well... touch her... Okay really he wanted to have sex, so in a way he wanted to rape her.."

The girl eyes widened at how straight forward her mom made it. "Yoshie of course didn't let him. But Takamine pushed her down the stairs breaking her neck." the woman said looking at her daughter. "But Yoshie's daughter, Sachiko," The girl's face lit up, "saw everything. When Takamine saw her, she tried running away. Of course he couldn't let her tell of this, so he choked her to death."

"Takamine told the police that Yoshie fell on accident, then buried Sachiko in the basement. Sachiko was soon noticed to be missing, but her body was never found and thus her death was never actually official. Unable to find peace after being killed in such a brutal, heartless manner, Sachiko's spirit remained in the school. At some point, she began infiltrating Takamine's thoughts, driving him to madness. He, believing she might still be able to tell others about him killing Yoshie, cuts out her tongue to prevent her from speaking out about it."

"20 years later, Sachiko once more gained a corporeal form. She used Yoshikazu, Takamine's son and teacher at the school, who, like his father, was driven to madness, to capture children for her to kill and send to her mother. She did that so her mother wouldn't be lonely. She eventually stopped killing for her mother's sake, and simply did it because she enjoyed it."

"That's terrible." the girl said frowning.

The woman nodded, "It is. Should I continue?" she asked and the girl nodded.

The woman nodded as well. "The only notable killings," she started once more. "she did were Ryou Yoshizawa, Tokiko Tsuji, and Yuki Kanno. After performing the killings, she pretended to be one of the kidnapped students, and framed Yoshikazu. She fingered him as the killer, and he was sent to a mental hospital, while she was allowed to fade away without anyone noticing, as they were all preoccupied with the 'murderer'."

"When the school was shut down, Takamine jumped to his death. He jumped from the roof. And his son committed suicide after he left the mental hospital. So now, everyone who was killed by Sachiko is now in another dimension in the school Heavenly Host." the woman said playing with her daughter's hair.

"Wow... that's terrible..." The girl mumbled.

"But there's more." The woman said. the girl looked at her mom so she could continue.

"On October 27, 2008, it was Kisaragi Academy's 30th school festival."

"Wait what happened to Heavenly Host?" the girl asked.

"On April 1, 1978, Kisaragi was built where Heavenly Host was." The woman explained. The girl nodded.

"Anyway a cousin of mine, Ayumi Shinozaki, went there. She went missing and so did other's. But a friend of hers, Yoshiki, told us everything then the next day committed suicide, or so that's what they say."

"Ayumi was telling a ghost story after cleaning up classroom 2-9. It was about what happened at Heavenly Host. It was just the four of them, Ayumi, Yoshiki, Naomi, and Satoshi. But then Satoshi's little sister, Yuka, came to drop off an umbrella to her brother."

"Soon after they were involved in a white light to be found in Heavenly Host." She said. "They searched for an exit but the exit was to appease the ghost child and Sachiko. They did so but it wasn't easy."

"Ayumi was killed by an anatomical model, Naomi was killed by Sachiko in the girl's laboratory, and Yuka was killed by a spirt. So only Satoshi and Yoshiki made it out alive." She said frowning.

"But mama," the girl said, "why do they need to please the ghost?" she asked.

"The school runs on the hatred of the ghost children, and it's main source was Sachiko but now the spirits broke free and now roaming the Earth watching over us. So the school is no longer."

"Then how did Satoshi die?"

"He was killed by his sister... Her sprirt killed him not so sure why..." the woman mumbled sadly.

"Oh..." The girl said sadly.

The woman chuckled and ruffled her daughter's hair. "Alright now go to bed, tomorrow's school." she said walking out.

The girl nodded and was fast asleep.

Suddenly a girl with black hair in a white dress appeared. She covered the girl who was asleep like a caring mother would. She smiled and kissed her forehead, 'One day, I'll tell you everything.' It said before disappearing.

FINALLY GOT THIS UPDATED c: get reading to be spooked my dumplings... or not whatever

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