In the line

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Hi, my name is Brine. Let me introduce myself. I am a villager, and I live happily in this village where food was plentiful, our farms grew quick, and mobs never invaded.

I lined up behind the row of excitables. Everybody were gearing up to sign up to be transformed to another Player. Yes, we are all villagers-a.k.a. SQUIDWARD. As you know, the Test is a competition held every year where 5 testificates are selected to participate. At that time, we would be temporarily converted by some black magic, to Players, where we are able to wield massive weapons and we have to pass through endless levels to complete the map. And it is not just any quest. We also had to pay close attention to the details including the blocks used. All just to test our abilities as a potential Player. As you can see, this is an Undiscovered-or Unknown-or Unnoticed- Basically a stack of names to describe our world. This means that no human-controlled Player had ever really trodden on this land. Nobody had even known this seed (we are not just code, you know) and whatsoever. I like this name better- The Unfamed.

In an Unfamed world, everything is peaceful. Zombies, skeletons, all scary creatures never attacked us, unlike some rumours we heard about the Saled-The ones with active Players on. In fact, they maintain contact with us, as if they were neighbours sitting in a town. We trade with them, we interact with them-almost like separate civilisations. Zombies and skeletons never burned, and there was no crime a.k.a. no flesh-eating-zombies-who may-very-like-to-have-us-for-dinner(no breakfast)-and-have-our-brains-before-we-become-them murder.

We had actually lost contact with other friendly worlds because of sudden appearances of Players appearing randomly in their world. All characteristics of an Unfamed world becomes Saled once a Player enters, even if the Player has to fly for 20 Minecraftia days to get to our village. That is why everybody is keen to go for the Test, because once a Player appears, there are no Tests.

You may think, then isn't it unfair for the other mobs? They do not have chances to go for Tests. In fact, they do. They promote when they complete their own Tests. Villagers are the highest promotion after Players, we are born as bats, as we pass the bat's Test, we become pigs, then sheep, then cows, then mooshrooms, then zombies, skeleton, and lastly creeper, before conquering that one for a villager. Duh, I can't even remember the creeper's Test considering that I had already missed 5-6 villager Tests.

How about da slimes, magma cubes, witches, all those idiots? (Don't tell them I said that) They have their own competition which give them a chance to be Players but at different levels. Heck, the silverfish get to be in the lowest level. At least they can hide in those random blocks and attack. Everybody is so enthusiastic when it comes to this competitions, since you go back to bat level once you die in a Test. If you die in a bat Test? Not likely. All they do is to fly around. I wonder how I ever managed to do that long ago without dying of boredom. When one mob dies accidentally by stupidly falling off a ledge or drowning (No serious, one dies like that every day), they re spawn in their respective levels.

So, skip all the crappy stuff-cough, cough- and here I am sitting in the sunblock and waiting for my turn. Well, the queue was not like the type of which people have to wait for 5 hours to move a meter, but this was quick. All we had to do was to write our name on a strip of paper and put it into the flame, before walking in the flowstone-yes, flowstone, not those slimy glowstone crap-portal that appears in every village every year, and wait for 20 seconds, it would transport you to the Test battlefield if it finds you worthy (Hmm so I was never worthy). And that's basically it.

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