Chapter 6 - Wolves

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Supernatural Conflict – Chapter 6

I glanced over at the dragon who had pounced on me, and gave him a nasty look. "You weren't a part of that conversation, and now you've just caused trouble. Focus on yourself for once and stop butting into Ryan's problems, because believe it or not they aren't yours to fix," I snarled, turning and walking away. With fresh air on my mind, I strode out towards the entrance. I took deep breaths, trying to calm down. Every time I saw her, I was reminded of the moment I lost my parents forever. I stopped and blinked, trying to stop the prickling sensation in my eyes, then continued towards the exit.

When I reached the entrance, I saw another figure looking over the land before them. I internally groaned when I realised who it was: Ryan.

Making a split second decision, I strode over to where she was standing, a cigarette perched between her fingers. Upon hearing my footsteps, she glanced around, her face contorting into a look of surprise before immediately turning into disdain.

"Hey. All this bickering is just painful and annoying, and not just for us. So I'm calling it quits," I said simply, stopping a few steps away from her.

Ryan laughed, taking another drag on her cigarette. "You can't just 'call it quits', especially after what you did."

"Well, regardless of what you think I did, I'm not going to retaliate to your stupid comments. I'm also not going to try to annoy you. In fact, I'm not even going to talk about you. There's no point, and I wouldn't endanger my pack because of you. Not worth it. So if you want to continue what you're doing, go ahead, but you're going to be the one who ends up hurt in amongst all of this."

Ryan's eyes flashed with anger and frustration, but I just smiled at her and glanced down at her cigarette. "Enjoy your lung-killer. I bet that'll calm you down." With that, I turned on my heel and walked away, striding in a way of confidence I hadn't had before. I didn't have to do that; I could have continued making conments, I could have continued the bickering. But I made a mature decision, and I was proud of it. It felt like a weight lifted off of my shoulders, and I wanted to share my triumph with someone. Cole would be happy about this, I thought.

I began heading towards Cole's room, throwing a friendly smile at each and every dragon I saw along the way. Some of them gave me funny looks, even nasty looks, but most of them just grinned back. I didn't care for anyone who didn't smile back, anyway.

When I reached Cole's room, I knocked on the door tentatively, wondering if he was even there, and wondering if this had even been a good idea. What would he think of me just showing up out of nowhere at his room?

The door swung open before I could think any further, the hinges making a horrible creaking sound. I flinched, glancing up at Cole. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt with grey sweatpants, and holding what looked like a cup of coffee. He looked rather tired, with dark rings under his eyes and slightly drooping eyelids. He rubbed his eyes and smiled.

"Oh, hey Lanz," he said, as if me showing up at his door was a regular thing. "What's up? Come in."

He stepped aside and waved me in, closing the door slowly behind him. It creaked again.

"Screwy door," he said sheepishly. "I mean to fix it, but I just-"

"Never get around to it," I said, finishing his sentence. I grinned, and he smiled.

"Exactly. So, what brings you to this neck of the woods?" he asked, dropping into one of the two arm chairs placed in his living area. He gestured towards the other chair, offering it to me.

"Hear anything about the feud with the young dragon yet?" I asked, sitting in the other chair near him.

He shook his head and chuckled. "Ryan mind-linked me, but didn't give me too many details. Seemed too angry to really explain it."

"Well, basically, I said something about her and someone attacked me."

Cole looked uneasy for a moment, looking at me intensely. "Lanz, you know that-"

I put my hand up, signalling him to stop. "I've made a sort of, truce with her."

"She agreed to a truce?" Cole replied, his eyebrows shooting up.

"Nah, I just told her that I'm not continuing the stupid bickering. I don't care how much she tries to provoke me. She will endanger my pack if I did things any other way. Besides, my stay here mightn't be short, so I may as well make it as pleasant as possible."

Cole cocked his head and studied me, a grin beginning to spread across his face. He reached his arm over the arm rest and put his coffee cup on the glass coffee table, then leaped from his chair and ran over to where I was sitting. He scooped me up and I screamed in surprise.

"Cole! What are you-" He put me down and looked at me, before hugging me so tight I thought I was going to faint from a lack of oxygen.

But strangely, I didn't mind.

When he loosened his grip without fully letting go, I laughed and asked, "What was that for?"

He grinned at me, his eyes sparkling. "I'm so proud of you!"

I cocked my head and frowned, a smile tugging at my lips. "This is nothing, I've done things so much better."

"I can guarantee you haven't done anything as great as putting your hatred aside for your pack. Especially when the person you dislike is someone you have despised for a very long time."

I raised one eyebrow, smiling with one side of my mouth. "Who said I didn't despise her?"

Cole mock glared at me, shoving me playfully but still clinging to my body. "You're stubborn, you know that?" he said, laughing.

Keeping a straight face, I put a finger to my lips and looked at the ceiling, pretending to think. "I think I can recall a few people telling me the same thing."

Cole smiled and shook his head. "You're hopeless, Lanz."

"Lanz. I like that," I said, tilting my head a little.

Cole's smile didn't waver, and he looked at me intently. "I'm still having trouble figuring out when you're being sarcastic and when you're not."

There was a moment where we stood still, no speaking, just staring at each other's faces without a sound. I felt my heart begin to beat faster, and a lump in my throat began to form...

As someone barged through the door, ranting and raving.


"You won't believe what that horrible little snivelling wolf-" She stopped, realising Cole wasn't alone, and he was holding someone. Her jaw dropped and she pursed her lips when she realised it was the 'horrible little snivelling wolf.'

"Hey, Ryan," Cole said sheepishly, still holding onto me and touching the middle of my back. I lightly tugged away from his grasp, biting my lip and shaking my head at him. "What's kickin' chicken?"

"What... the..." Ryan stammered, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "She's doing this because of me, Cole. She only wants you to kiss her so it'd hurt me."

"Are you serious? Not all of us do absolutely everything to spite or hurt someone else, Ryan. Grow up," I spat. I turned to Cole. "I'm going to head out, okay? I'll come back later. It was nice seeing you."

He smiled at me cautiously, torn between myself and Ryan. "Okay. See you."

I turned and walked towards the door, and Ryan moved into my path.

"Move, please," I said, looking directly towards her face. "I'm leaving."

When she didn't budge, I pushed past her and opened the squeaky door then closed it behind me.

To hell with her, I thought. I'm going to do things my way.

Hey guys, sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, I was in a block for a while.  Sorry this chapter doesn't cover much, I'm still sort of blocked; I'll try my best in the next one.


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