Chapter 1 - Dragons

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Ryans POV

Okay let me introduce myself the names Ryan. No last name just Ryan, I'm the alpha of my pack. No not a wolf pack that's just gross, No I'm a dragon.

My parents died in a war against wolves, I was only 14 then. They told me to run but I didn't listen, I stayed and fought against a wolf whom I very much despise to this day.

Anyway enough of the past. My pack is called the Shadow Sky Pack, deadly name I know haha. My beta who can be a total idiot at times is my best friend. His name is Cole, he has helped me through pretty much every thing.

I will never forget the day that I became alpha and he became beta.


I was flying around in my dragon form, which was a lot smaller back then. I heard a loud roar and turned my scaly head in the direction of the roar. I see Coles' white dragon form quickly heading for me. Knowing him at his age I quickly flew up so he wouldn't hit me mid flight.

He was a lousy flyer back then. I heard his voice in my head "Come on Ryan, the elders are wondering were the hell you are!" I let out a puff of smoke from my nostrils and sighed, I nodded my head and we flew back to the cave.

I landed and quickly shifted to my human form and ran inside the cave, it was lit up with a large fire in the middle with the whole pack around it. I stepped up to the elders with my head down "Sorry elders I was clearing my head and lost track of time." I said to them in a shy voice. They nodded their heads and started the ceremony.

After I was claimed alpha I chose Cole to be my beta, we were only 15. But oh well. The party was in full swing when one of the elders came up to me, "Ryan I know this is just being thrown onto your shoulders but it will get easier, things will change soon, I can feel it." I nodded my head in understanding and thanked them. I walked into the middle of the cave and shouted over all the noise "Alright guys, as your new alpha how 'bout we all go for a midnight fly and see the stars!?" I heard lots of shouting.

Soon we were all out in dragon forms flying under the stars and enjoying the moonlight.

End flashback

Sighing at the memory I walked over to Cole "Cole!" I shouted at him making him jump, "Yes Ryan?" He replied with a huff of annoyance. "Spot anything new around the boundaries?" I asked with a hint of excitement, we haven't had that many rival dragon attacks because I usually scare them off with either my size or my intimidation. 

"Yes." Cole replied with a smirk, "Really? let's go pay them a visit shall we?" I asked sarcastic tone he nodded and we flew off, him showing me where these dragons were.

Once we got there I was surprised to see only two dragons there, quite big actually. I landed on a small cliff just above them letting out a loud roar, they looked up at me and bowed their heads, showing me they are no threat. "Who are you?!" I said in their minds. 

"We come to bring a message." One that was black said, "That message being?" I said with authority. "There has been an uproar at one of the land packs, something has happened." The smaller white dragon said this time. I growled loudly "That means they need a place to stay?"

They nodded their heads at me, I growled and shake my head "No, I will not allow that to happen." I state and launch off into the sky. I growl and land in my secret spot. I let out a large huff of flames at the large pond near by. I stopped blowing flames when I saw the pond began to bubble from the heat of the flames. I then sat in the hot pond to calm my nerves.

Because my scales are so thick I barely felt the heat of the pond. I heard the beating of wings and looked to the sky to see Cole coming towards me, quite fast as well. I jumped to my feet and stood on my hind legs incase he crashed into me.

Cole tried to stop but too late, he hit me and we tumbled into the pond, but we were half in the pond and half out of the pond. I slowly raised onto my four legs and looked at Cole with a blank look. He gave a dragon like laugh and fell on his back. I blew fire right on his tail making him yelp from the sudden action.

Cole blew ice at my horns on top of my head, I tried to get the ice off but it wouldn't so I blew more flames into the pond to make it really hot, once it was boiling I dipped my horns in the hot pond and waited for the ice to melt.

Once it was melted my pitch black eyes looked at Coles bright yellow ones, he took to the sky really fast knowing the chase was on. I flapped my large wings and followed him, I was flying directly above him, I quickly dove down and hit him on the head with my tail.

Letting out a loud roar of joy I quickly angled my body so I wouldn't slam into the ledge to the entrance of my cave. I shift into my human form and run inside. The caves are actually houses inside. so I ran into my room and had a shower and got changed, tonight is a special night. It's my 19th birthday party.

I got into a pair of black skinny jeans and put on some converse then threw on my Bon Jovi hoodie. I know not very fancy for a party but it's only a small party. I ran into the main cave and saw everyone was already there. I'm late for everything.

The party was in full swing and I was drunk, I was dancing with my gamma (third in command) she was really funny. We were in the middle of the dance floor when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned and saw Cole there smirking at me "Ry I think you need to go to bed your drunk." He stated. 

"I don't wanna." I said in a childish voice, I was thrown over his shoulder as Cole started to run to my cave. I was laughing and hiccuping at the same time which hurt a lot. Cole put me in my room and I saw my little rabbit. I picked it up and threw it at a wall shouting "Pikachu I choose you!" I laughed and saw he wasn't moving. 

I saw Cole go and pick it up"Ryan you killed another one?" I laughed and fell on my bed, I was asleep in seconds. 

Hey guys this is the first chapter to Supernatural Conflict, me and my best friend are going to be writing it chapter by chapter. so one will be in Ryans POV and the next one will be in Alanas POV. 

Thanks guys! - Written by Christina xP

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