Chapter 3- Dragons

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I woke up in my plaid PJ shorts and batman singlet sighing I get out of bed and walk to my bathroom. Grumbling I rub my forehead and mumble "Why do I smell like cigarettes?" I brush my teeth then strip and get in the shower.

After shaving my legs and underarms I wash my short hair with my watermelon shampoo and conditioner. I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body, walking into my room again I grab a fresh bra and knickers and put them on. I sift through my clothes and find some denim shorts and a black shirt that has a dinosaur on it saying 'Roar I'm a dinosaur.'

Chuckling at the shirt I grab my socks and converse, I slip them on and walk outside and find Cole, "Hey did you change my clothes last night?" I ask him. "Yes I did, you were out like a light after you through your rabbit at a wall." He replied with a raised eyebrow, "Damn I did it again." I state then laugh, "Why do I smell like cigarettes?" I ask with a bit of concern in my voice. 

Cole bursts out laughing and says after calming down "You kept taking them out of other pack members mouths and smoking them." I sighed and say "Oh fuck, did I really?" I question him, Cole only nods his head and walked to the ledge of the cliff. 

I walk beside him and look over my territory, squinting my eyes I see two figures in the distance running towards us in a hurry. Getting curious I tell Cole about the figures and we shift into our dragon forms. Jumping off the cliff and spreading our wings to catch the winds. 

Soaring over to the figures I see that one is a black wolf with blue markings on their face and front legs. Letting out a loud roar I tuck my wings in and dive towards the ground, spreading my wings before I hit the ground I gently set my legs on the ground. I hear a thump behind me telling me that Cole landed just not gracefully, shifting into my human form I cross my arms and stand in front of the two werewolves.

"You are the land pack that is having problems?" I question and raise an eyebrow at them. The wolf that was supporting the injured wolf gently put him on the ground and shifted into human form, I growl and see that it is the wolf that caused my parents to die in an explosion. I go to take a step forward when I feel Cole hold me back.

"What are you doing here Lana?" I spit out her name and growl after I finish the sentence, "My pack was invaded by other wolves and it keeps happening, we need your help." She says out of breath, I look at her then to the person she carried here "Who's that?" I question her. "My beta Nathaniel or Nate." She replies. 

I think about it then mind link Cole "What are your thoughts Cole?" I wait for him to answer "I think we should accept it Ryan, look at them she ran all this way with a full grown wolf on her back." I sigh then agree. "Fine you can stay, but you'll have follow my rules." I say to her, "Now get on my back and I'll take you back to the main cave." I say and shift into my dragon form. 

I go onto my belly so that she can climb on my back. Alana looks uneasy and hesitates I growl and grab her shirt in my teeth and put her on my back. I then gently grab Nathaniel and put him in front of her so she can make sure he doesn't slip from my scales.

I slowly lift into the air and glide to the main cave, I land gently and lay on my belly so she can get off. I shift and motion her to follow me "Some one get the pack doctor!" I shout and continue to walk into the main cave. I turn around and look at Alana "Alright now just wait here, I'll be back." I say and run out and pick up Nathaniel and walk into the cave again.

I gently put him down and wait for the doctor, after a minute I hear the sound of rushing feet and see the doctor rush in to the cave and run over to were we are. She bows her head in submission "Alpha." She says, "Dr. Smith the Night-Shade Pack have been having invasions from other packs and her beta is injured quite badly." I say to Dr.Smith, she nods her head and looks at the bite on his leg.

"It seems it has already gotten infected I'm gonna have to inject some of my venom to stop the infection." Dr.Smith says "What?!" Alana says in panic, "Calm the fuck down, it'll help him." I say to her in my alpha voice. But it doesn't effect her because she is another alpha. Dr.Smith shifts into her slim blue dragon form and gently bites over the previous bite marks and injects a small amount of venom.

She takes out her fangs and shifts back to her human form, "He'll be fine, he will be awake tomorrow, he just need bed rest." She says, I nod my head and thank her. I turn to Alana and say "I'm gonna need you to mind link your pack and tell them to start coming to my territory, I'll get my pack to pick them up once they are on my territory." I tell her, Alana nod her head and her eyes go blank for a minute or two.

"Alright done." She tells me, I nod my head and tell her to follow me "Alright since I don't have any spare caves you're gonna have to share my cave with me and your beta can share caves with my beta." I tell her, she nods her head in understanding.

I look out over the ledge and see that her pack is already on my territory "Huh that was fast." I say quietly. I gather my pack and we go and get the Night-Shade Pack, once we have them we drop them off in the main cave and tell them that they will have to stay there until there is either more caves or they find a different territory.

I walk to my cave and sit on the ledge and look out over my territory. I see a slight glow of fire and smoke where the Night-Shade Pack use to be. I squint my eyes and try to get a better look the fire slowly starts to get bigger and bigger. soon enough the fire has nearly reached my territory. "Water dragons!" I shout and run to the main cave.

All the water dragons are lined up and wait for my order "There's a fire coming towards here, I want you to put it out." I said to them with authority, they nod their heads shift then take flight towards the wild fire. 

Hey Guys!!

Two chapters in one day wow! haha thats Ryan in the photo haha, I forgot to say that the dragon in the photo in the first chapter is Ryans dragon form cool no? haha

alright thats it guys hope you enjoyed these chapters so far :) 

-Written by Christina xP 

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