The Quest

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"Come on sea-weed brain, keep up," hollered Annabeth, who was making way better time up the lava wall than I was.

"Sorry," I yelled back, "not everyone's a natural like you."

Annabeth huffed and kept climbing.

"Hurry up, we only have two and a half minutes until the lava pours on top of us," she yelled down at me again.

I said nothing and kept climbing

"Come on Per-" her call was cut off by a stream of lava flowing over top of her.

"Ahhhhh!" she screamed as she fell past me down the wall and into the lava below.

"Nooo!" I yelled down at the bottom to where Annabeth now rested.

And then I woke up. In my cabin. With my cyclops brother Tyson looking down at me concernedly with his big brown cyclops eye.

I guess I should introduce myself.

I am Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. I live at Camp Half-Blood with other demigods (children of the gods) and my awesome girlfriend Annabeth.

We had been training all summer for a "mystery quest" that Chiron had told us we would have to go on later this summer.

"Brother, Chiron wants to meet you in the Big House," Tyson informed me.

"Can I have breakfast first?" I mumbled.

"Immediately, Annabeth is already there."

"Fine, just let me get changed first."

After I got changed I hurried over to the big house, where Chiron and Annabeth were waiting for me around the ping-pong table in the games room.

"Percy, I have a secret quest that I would like to send you and Annabeth on." Chiron told me.

"Okay, what is it?"

"I believe that our Oracle, Rachel, is going to tell you." Chiron said.

Just then a red-haired girl came in the porch door and began to say something like "hey" but it was cut off by a sudden seizure in which her eyes turned green and started glowing.

Then she spouted a prophecy:

In the far east, back in time

a kingdom thinks that all is fine,

little do they know of monsters, lo!

their swords cannot even harm those.

But three children shall come and help

win or lose, nobody knows,

one red-haired, one of owls, and one of kelp.

At that Rachel snapped out of her trance and looked around at us with confusion.

"Why are you all looking at me funny," she asked.

When we said nothing, she spoke again, "I just spoke a prophecy didn't I?"

"Yes, I believe you did," Chiron replied.

Annabeth and I were still thinking of what the prophecy had said, but it was Annabeth who broke the silence, "So it's kind of obvious that me and Percy are going, but who is the red-haired one the prophecy talked about."

"I think that it's me," said Rachel shyly.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I feel something in my bones that is telling me to come along on this quest."

"Well," Chiron said, "that would definitely be the first time a mortal has come along with two other demigods on a quest, but I don't see anything wrong with it."

"Okay this is all great, but how in the world are we supposed to travel back in time to help this kingdom?" I inquired.

"I believe that is where one of my old friends may be able to help you. His name is the doctor and he I believe he lives somewhere in Great Britain if I do remember correctly."

"Then it's all settled," Annabeth announced, "We shall leave for Britain immediately in search of this doctor and hope he can help us travel back in time."

I hurried back to my cabin to pack my belongings; nectar, ambrosia, clothes, golden drachmas, and most importantly, my celestial bronze sword, Riptide.

Then I hustled to the top of half-blood hill, where Annabeth, Rachel and Argus our hundred-eyed security man the were ready to drive to the airport and fly to Britain. Personally, I was freaking out over the fact that we were travelling by air, since my dad is Poseidon and all, but I hoped that everything would be fine.

Once we got in and were on our way, I grumbled to Rachel, "One of Kelp. that's the best you could come up with. Not something cool like 'The golden boy,' or 'Savior of the world.' You called me one of kelp."

Rachel and Annabeth laughed and Annabeth said, "At least she's honest."

It was going to be a great quest.


Thank you for reading my story. If you have any corrections for me or know anything about doctor who, please tell me and I will correct it.


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