We find the doctor... and lose him again.

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After about half an hour, it became pretty clear that our plan wasn't going to work.

This doctor guy must not have been very popular because every time one of us asked about him, people just looked at us weird and muttered something like, "Crazy American tourists."

So we went back to our hotel and decided to iris-message Chiron using the fountain spray in the hotel lobby. The only problem with that problem was, there were so many people in the lobby that we had no chance of trying anything without causing a panic.

Annabeth, as usual, had a plan.

"If we somehow cause a panic, nobody will pay us any attention because they will be to busy worrying about themselves," Annabeth said.

"We could set off the fire alarm, giving us, I'd say, two or three minutes to talk with Chiron until the fire department arrives," replied Rachel.

"Brilliant, I'll go get a golden drachma," I offered

So we headed off on our plan. I went up to my room to get a drachma to throw in the fountain when I ran into an old geezer with grey hair and a lab coat on.

"Excuse me," he asked, "do you to time travel into the past?"

I couldn't tell if this guy was for real or if he was just joking.

"I was told by one of my friends to look for a boy in an orange shirt and see if he needed help," he continued.

"Wait, is your name 'the doctor'?" I asked.

"Matter of fact, it is!" he replied.

"Can you please come with me downstairs?" I offered.


"Why not?"

"My aching legs don't have much left in them son, you'll have to carry me downstairs."

"You've gotta be kidding me."

"Do you have anyone else who knows how to time travel."


I thought that he would be light since he was so thin. I don't think that I've ever been so wrong in my life. I wouldn't be surprised if he had bricks in his pockets or something like that.

It was brutal, but I finally made it down the stairs, only to see Rachel pull the fire alarm handle and shriek, "FIRE!"

"Nooo!" I yelled from across the room, but it was too late. The entire lobby was chaos, people shoving other people out of their way to get to an exit, others just standing in their place and screaming.

I locked eyes with Annabeth across the room and motioned to the back exit, which, for some reason, nobody was going through.

I carried the doctor all the way to the back exit and into a small alleyway where Annabeth and Rachel were already waiting for me.

"Who's this guy?" Rachel asked.

"This is the doctor who we have been looking for," I replied, setting him down.

"Where?" Annabeth asked.

I turned around only to see him disappear around the corner and onto the street.

"After him, quick!" I said as I was running.

I guess I didn't actually need to carry him.


Sorry if this chapter was really lame, I had kind of hit a writer's block and wanted to put out another chapter. I made some changes to my last chapter after it was published, just fyi. Thanks for reading I hope to write a few more chapters in the next week, so stay tuned.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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