I Have a Dream. (mind-blown!)

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The flight to Britain was absolutely awful.

Not only was I stressing about whether or not Zeus was going to obliterate me, but every three seconds Annabeth would tell me statistics about how high we were or how fast we where going, which, believe me, did not improve the situation. 

Rachel was completely silent the entire time and just stared out the window with a blank look on her face. When I asked her what was wrong, she just shrugged and said nothing.

Once we landed (thank the gods, especially Zeus), we piled our stuff into a taxi and told the driver to bring us to the nearest hotel so that we could crash for the night.

When were were checked into our rooms, I went over to the girl's room to talk about our search.

"I think that we should ask around and see if anyone knows the location of this doctor," Annabeth said.

I thought that this was a great idea, but Rachel seemed to think otherwise. 

"Do you know how many people live here?" she exclaimed, "The odds of us finding somebody who knows this guy are next to impossible!"

"Do you have any better ideas?" retorted Annabeth.

Here I was again. Caught in and argument between two braniacs while I just sat there looking like a complete fool.

"Let's ask Percy what he thinks."

"Good idea."

"Uh, I really don't know what we should do, but I think that Annabeth's idea makes the most sense," I said.

"See, I told you so!" Annabeth told Rachel.

"Fine!" huffed Rachel.

After that I went back to my room and decided to crash for the night but I could still hear Rachel and Annabeth arguing with each other.

"Percy just sided with you because you're his girlfriend," I heard Rachel say.

"Did not!" Annabeth snorted, "Percy may be a seaweed brain but at least he knows a good idea when he hears it."

"Are you kidding me, how is asking people if they know this doctor guy in a city with eight and a half million people in it going to do us any good?"

"It's a great idea."

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

This is where I came in and yelled through the wall, "Guys, were going to ask around whether you like it or not, so shut up!"

Whether they actually stopped arguing or just kept on going in lower tones, I don't know, but at least now I could sleep in peace.

I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, and as soon as I did, I was plagued by dreams.

In my dreams, a brown haired boy who looked around my age was sitting on a throne and talking to an elderly man about something.

"My king, there have been reports of attacks south of Navenstill," the older man said.

"Aveniens?" the king asked the man.

"No Jaron, these reports include monsters that spit poison and turn people to stone."

"How many people have died that you know of?"

"Too many. The people who informed us of these attacks said that they were the only survivors."

"Do you have any idea where they are headed?"

"They seem to bee working their way to Drylliad my king."

"Double up on the guards and send some warriors down to fight the monsters."

"Yes, your majesty."

Then the boy, Jaron, looked at me and said "I don't know who you are, but please come soon."

Then I woke up and got ready for a day of searching. 

I met the girls in the hallway outside of our rooms. I didn't ask about their argument and they didn't provide any answers.

"Let's go look for a doctor," I said.


Sorry if if this chapter was just a little bit boring. Again, please leave comments, corrections, and suggestions. Thanks!

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