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A/N: Hi guys! I'm back :P So, so sorry I couldn't post while I was away... But hey I've got three new chapters for you! I hope you enjoy them! (Sorry they're so short...)

Then, they ran. Merlin went ahead, blasting each magician they faced with a powerful stroke of magic,. Close behind him, Arthur had slung the still senseless Alia over his shoulder with one arm and had drawn his sword with the other. He galloped after Merlin slashing wildly and anyone who tried to approach them. "Merlin!", Arthur panted, swinging his sword at yet another oncoming sorceress, "Where, where are we going!" "Just follow me!", came the reply. Arthur had no idea where his friend was leading them but he trusted him to get them to safety. Merlin looked back over his shoulder and yelled; "Almost there Arthur! We'll be safe soon." Arthur nodded, his face flushed with effort, as he adjusted his grip on Alia.

Then, "Merlin look out!", Arthur screeched at the young warlock, for a Wyvern had just appeared around the corner. It was an ugly beast, with it's dragon-like body and scaly skin. It's eyes we're red slits and it's mouth a gaping hole with fangs to long and deadly it could hardly close it. And Merlin was running straight at it. Again Arthur screamed; "Merlin!!", and pointed at the creature. The sorcerer stopped dead in his tracks and stared the Wyvern in the tiny glowing slits that were it's eyes. Arthur was screaming at Merlin to run whilst trying to lay Alia on the ground so he could defend his best friend. But the Wyvern didn't attack. It didn't even blink. It just stared at Merlin who muttered something under his breath. Then, with a piercing shriek, it spread it's leathery wings and took off into the night. The King gaped open mouthed at his manservant. "Wha-" "I'll explain later.", Merlin's words were rushed and he swiftly grabbed his sister off the ground and continued around the corner, Arthur right behind him.


"In here." Urgently Merlin waved Arthur into the large archives of the palace. It was deserted. "Merlin what are we doing here?" Merlin did not reply but strode briskly over to a bookcase and began pulling seemingly random volumes off the shelf. "This is no time for reading Merlin! Come on we have to hide!" Again the warlock said nothing. Arthur was beginning to grow impatient when suddenly there was a clunk and a triumphant cry from Merlin. A door, hidden in the bookshelf, slid open, revealing a small room filled with yet more books. "In here, quickly." Arthur ran inside followed by Merlin, who immediately shut the door behind them. "How did you- Actually, I don't want to know." Merlin grinned at his friend then carefully laid Alia down on the small table in the middle of the room. After a quick examination Merlin exclaimed; "She's under a sleeping enchantment." "Well can you break it." "Of course." Arthur received one of those unique goofy grins as Merlin bent over Alia and murmured a spell. After a few seconds, Alia's eyes flutter open and she stared, confused, at her two best friends.

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