Chapter one Kittens Everywhere!

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*:Alex's POV:*

The leaves had already changed colors this year, which was normal, for autumn I mean. But considering today was the first day of Christmas break. The leaves still haven't started breaking off but maybe in a few large piles. I could tell the rest of this year was gonna be weird. And just because today was gonna be a bad day, the stupid buses wouldn't run before the last day of winter vacation, my car was in the repair shop, and my friends didn't have a way to pick me up.

I had to walk home. In the cold, bitter nonstop wind. Cursing my stupidity for wearing this thin leather jacket and no gloves, I wrapped it tighter around me, and angrily kicked at the leaves covering the sidewalk....until my converse hit something strange. "Ow!" I retracted my foot and holding it, jumped around like an idiot. Once the pain passed, i kneeled and pushed the leaves off to reveal...a box. A bloody box put my foot through that. Well done universe, well done indeed.


I blinked. Was I hearing things? Nope, im sure I heard a wail coming from the box. I pried open the flaps of the slightly soggy box and peered in curiously. Kittens. Adorable fluffy, strange

coloured kittens.

Smiling, I grabbed the bright orange kitten with a huge build. I shrugged. Probably had a lot of fur. It blinked curiously at me while the other felines mewed for my attention trying to get out of the box. I stuffed the orange kitten I was holding into my jacket, and adjusting my Rosario vampire messenger bag I hefted the box into my arms and shuffled a few blocks to my driveway.

Jogging up my steps, I fished my keys out of my ripped ivory skinny jeans pocket and jammed it into to the lock, ready to be inside and warm my numb hands up. I kicked the front door closed, tossed the keys into the ceramic bowl I placed on the table, and placed the box of kittens on the kitchen counter. I grabbed the kitten in my jacket and placed him on the counter, where he prodded and poked around curiously. I chuckled.

The sound of gunshots came from the game room and I rolled my eyes. "TOXIC! Bring me a towel and get your sparkly unicorn self in here!"

Her head popped out of the door and she grinned.

"M'Kay Cheshire cat! We having a perfectly mad tea party?" She raced in and threw a fluffy blue towel at me. I shook my head and pointed towards the orange kitten and the box. Mewling and scratching erupted from it. Toxic gasped and giggled, "Did you mate with the real Cheshire kitty!? You gave birth to kitties!!"

"...." I stared at her like she'd grown a second head and sighed.

"No, you idiot. I found these cats outside."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the orange kitten, wrapping him in the towel and dried off his damp fur. He came out looking content, but like a fluff ball. I giggled and placed him on the tiled floor.

"Stay there."

He sat down and I opened the box again. Dear gott. These kittens did look strange. A blonde, blue eyed, kitten with fur hanging over its right eye(or left eye for you awesome readers from Japan. I think its left, tell me if I'm wrong.) was hissing and batting at another kitten with his claws unsheathed.

"Hey! HEY! That's enough!" I scooped the black and orange kitten into my arms and gently scolded the golden one.

The cat with orange fur around its eyes like a raccoon's mask meowed happily at me. I studied him and I could swear his orbs changed from opaque to crimson and back again. I quickly dried him off and placed him on the floor, of course he wouldn't sit still and kept rubbing against and weaving through my legs, purring loudly.

"Hey there, that t-tickles!"

Toxic and I took turns drying the rest off and lined them up on the floor. Toxic giggled insanely," can we strap angel wings to them and make 'em fly?"

I face palmed. "No."

Brushing a strand of chocolate hair out of my face in thought, I replied,"We still need to find names for them."

"Find names for who?"

I jumped hearing Chelsea behind me. She must have come in without me noticing. I pointed to the kittens and she squealed. Courtney walked in.

"Whats's all this squealing fo---AWWW! Kittens!"

I chuckled.

I picked up the kitten between my legs. He purred happily and licked my chin. Giggling, I held him at arms length, tilting my head while he pawed at my hands, soaking in all the attention.

"Your name shall be lollipop!"


I placed him on my head, and glanced at Chelsea.

She picked up a blue kitten with what looked like a white origami flower near her ear.

"You'll be lady cause you look very mature and you're obviously the only girl here."

A red furred kitten hissed at Chelsea, twitching her tail in irritation.

I held my hand out to pick the tempermental cat up, then she unsheathed her claws and swung her paw at my outstretched hand.

Flinching back I narrowed my eyes at her and glared harshly.

"Alright then if you're going to be that way, your name is princess bitch!"

Chelsea laughed,"You know if you get her famous 'uchiha glare' she's going to make you regret it."

I swear I saw the kittens tense but shrugged it off.

Courtney picked up the smaller of the raven black kittens left with spiked fur on the back of its head and colour changing eyes too.

"I'll name you... Susanoo"

Toxic snatched up the other tempermental silver kitten with a pendant hanging from his neck.

"Hmmm.....Kira!" She giggled happily while Kira growled and hissed, struggling to get out of her grasp.

Later the other kittens sat in a row after we named them, drinking from bowls of milk we set out for them:Reizo, Ginger, Jaws, Aoi, Lollipop, Lady, Stitches, Kira, Mystery, Yin-Yang, Puppet, Girlie, Princess Bitch, Susanoo.

Later we divided the kittens into groups we took with us when we went to bed.

I took Lollipop, Lady, and Mystery.

Toxic took Kira, Yin-Yang, Jaws, Princess Bitch, and Aoi.

Chelsea took Reizo and Puppet.

Finally Courtney took Ginger, stitches, and Susanoo.

After saying goodnight to everyone I entered my room, closed the door, and jumped onto my black butler bedspread, not bothering to cover up or change into night clothes. Lollipop snuggled into a tight ball near my head, Lady fell asleep on my pillow and Mystery, throat rumbling, he drifted off, lieing on my stomach. With the purring of sleeping kittens and the acoustics of guitars quietly coming from my stereo I drifted off, dreaming of stuff I probably wouldn't recall tomorrow.

**Lollipop:Tobi/Madara (I know he's obito but I want him to be madara)


Mystery: Jugo

Lady: Konan

Princess Bitch: Karin

Jaws: Suigetsu

Puppet: sasori

Girlie: deidara

Yin Yang: zetsu

Ginger: pein

Stitches: kakuzu

Kira: hidan

Aoi: kisame

 Susanoo: sasuke

Naruto characters belong to kishmoto

I belong to myself and my friends belong to themselves.

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