Chapter 3: Weird Behavior and the Difficult Decision

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:My POV:

"HHmm..." I groaned in my sleep, feeling something furry and silky under my chin.

Turning my self over to face the window I snuggled with my kitten plushie.


I don't have a kitten plushie.


A rough tongue dragged across my chin.

Cracking open an eye, I giggled,"stop that lollipop."

Setting lollipop down on my nightstand where he curiously batted at my BVB alarm clock, I dug through my closet, pulling out a pair of ripped blue skinnies, an I love bacon graphic tee, and my black converse.

After showering quickly and slipping my clothes on, I opened my door, the kittens padded out, an air of confidence surrounding them, Lady, Lollipop, and mystery stuck together.

I quirked an eyebrow. 'Strange cats...'

The soft carpet upstairs shielded my feet from the bitter cold of the wood underneath.

Twisting the thermostat higher, a shard of light danced across a picture frame, starting to collect the slightest layer of dust.

My stomach dropped.

I promised myself I wouldn't look at that picture ever again.

My fingers brushed against the smooth, hard glass covering the picture. A man standing proudly next to a girl, around nine years old, wearing a midnight purple dress with tattered sleeves. The girl wore a pointed hat to match, purple, glinting glitter surrounding her warm brown eyes. Her hair tumbled to her waist in soft curls, her grin wide, she struck a piece sign at the camera, a plastic pumpkin full of candy in her other hand. The man, wearing a baseball cap over his dark brown hair, smiled at the camera too.

Running a hand through my damp hair, I turned away, hearing my answering machine beeping loudly from downstairs.

"Alex! Message!!" Chelsea yelled.

"Yeah! I got it." Jumping the stairs two at a time, I paused staring at the number before pressing the button.

The kittens stared at it curiously, ready for the answering machine like it was gonna attack.

'This is the hospital's number...' Swallowing deeply, I pressed down to hear the message.

*Beep* Hello? Ms. Summers? This is your father's doctor. We need to know your decision soon. We can't hold off on it forever. We are sorry to say, we need to know your decision, today--


Pressing delete, I stood numbly, staring at the machine.

I couldn't feel or hear anything, not even the kittens mewing for my attention. Everything was moving so fast. Memories were moving so swiftly, they were blurring together in my head. My breathing increased, ten-fold.

'This....can't be happening...'

My knees buckled, and I found myself on the floor.

Jaws came up hesitantly, rubbing his furry head against my leg.

That's when my senses came back. My eyes didn't even sting in warning. The dam broke, and warm, fat tears rolled down my cheeks. No matter how much I tried wiping them away, they kept coming. My lip trembled and quivered, threatening to let out semi-hysterical sobs.

Those stupid doctors. They didn't know anything. (I mean no offense by this.) They just diagnosed my dad's weird sickness as something minor, not even bothering to test for anything at all. They sent my dad home, and over a few months, he gradually got worse. I woke up one morning...he wouldn't wake up. He was breathing...but he wouldn't wake up. He was rushed to the hospital and was declared under a coma.

'For what god damn reason!?' I thought with malice, wiping tears away furiously.

They'd kept him on multiple machines, especially after he stopped responding. Then, they have the right to call me, his own daughter, and force her to choose between keeping him alive, even though he was basically brain dead, or.....letting him go. The thought scared me. I didn't want to let my dad go.

Memories flooded my head, only making my sob silently worse, I ignored the kittens rubbing against my legs.

"Dad! Look what I got!" A girl, around eight, held up a large trout in one hand, and large trophy in the other. She'd won first place in the kid's fishing derby for catching the largest fish. Smiling, he ruffled her hair affectionately. "I knew you could do it."

"Haahaha! Dad stop throwing paint at me!" A thirteen year old teen ran away from her dad covered in paint, the true personification of a rainbow. Her dad chased after her, a bucket of black paint in his arms.

"Hey check out that guy over there."

Her dad pointed at a person cosplaying as slenderman. He'd been laughing at some of the cosplayers: a sailor moon dancing to music, another person dressed up as hidan, swinging their scythe around, etc. The girl laughed, she was dissapointed she couldn't cosplay, but this convention was her first, so she was content. "Dad your so mean. Stop making fun of the cosplayers." She smacked him playfully on the arm, when he joked about said slenderman cosplayer, who was current following people around, arms outstretched, walking ominiously after them until he received a hug.

The flashbacks ended.

"Daddy..." Muttering softly, I slowly shuffled upstairs, in a daze. After washing my face, hoping to hide the red blotches , I called out softly that I was going out, I closed the door behind me.


Later, I stumbled in ignoring the others questions. Closing the door, I muttered to toxic," I...wanna be alone...."

Collapsing on my bed with my kittens peering sadly at me from the floor, I dug my face into my pillow, crying myself to sleep.

((Yatta~ my first time writing angst, and it actually wasn't half bad...I'm sorry if it felt rushed, but I'm still learning and I'm starting to run out of ideas. I have a few ideas for the next few chapters but I could use some help. Constructive advice and criticism would be greatly appreciated. If you guys have any plot ideas for a chapter, I'd gladly use it, and credit you for it.

Among other news, Im probably coming out with a new story. It involves creepypasta, well known movie monsters/slashers, and two curious, trouble-making nieces. So stay alert for that. If I reach at least ten votes, I'll update the next chapter. =P ))

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