Chapter 4

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I woke up to the faint pitter-patter of rain on my window.

My mind began to clear up, and I wondered why I was in bed. But...then I remembered..the past few dad's eyes burned, feeling raw and sore and I lost my voice due to all the sobbing and grieving over everything.

I turned to my alarm clock, watching the neon red blinking numbers.

5:00 in the morning...

I winced painfully, feeling unintentional tears running down my puffy cheeks.

I wanted to dream again, but then I didn't. Some dreams were happy, some were nightmares.

Nevertheless, I wanted to curl up in a ball all day.

Small furry bodies wouldn't let me. Especially Lollipop, he began to position his face in front of mine and gently licked the tear tracks on my cheeks, kneading his black paws against my neck.

Surprisingly, Lady came and gave my arm a few comforting licks and Reizo nuzzled my neck, purring into my hair, Susanoo watched in a tensed shock, as if he'd never seen this particular kitten affectionate.

"...," I opened my mouth to say something, but found it hard to talk.

((Okay. I know this isn't complete, so no comments please about how its not finished. Its my junior year and everything is kinda busy, but I'm hoping the closer to senior year it gets,everything will calm down. Not to mention, I've lost my muse for this small piece because this draft has been sitting here for months and I have a minor case of writers block. But hey, its a late Christmas sneak peek for the next chapter. Enjoy. Also,I could use some tips and ideas for writing angst, thanks.

--Twilight ))

(( Alright, even though it's twelve o clock at night I'm ready to freaking' roll! Whoo! Yeah...actually tired as shit but I don't really wanna go to bed, heh~ :P now, onwards with the story! ))

I gave a watery smile and slowly pulled myself from bed. "Who's hungry?" I asked hoarsely, trying to work my throat. Lady gave me a scowl as if to say don't push it, try not to talk. 

I affectionately rubbed her head, then struggled to stand up, considering Lollipop had carefully dug his claws in to the material of my shirt and was now , my unofficial furry parrot.

I mentally chortled at the thought. 

Nevertheless, the furry parade scurried after my slow pace to the kitchen. I fumbled with some cut up cooked meat and some water. I attempted to pry Lollipop off, but he mewed in blatant protest, and gave me a look that looked all too familiar, I just couldn't place it. (Picture Madara's face when he's annoyed or exasperated at Hashirama) 

Lollipop jumped nimbly from my shoulder to the counter, and nosed around for what he saw me try to nibble on a few days ago. The plastic package of red berries slid in front of me. 

Strawberries - my favorite. 

Lollipop sat down glaring uncharacteristically at me. His eyes oddly less hyper at the moment and more intense. His tail swished, and his eyes told me,'Eat. Or I will make you.' 

A stare down began. Until I finally said,"I'm not hungry--" and turned only to pause at the furballs surrounding my figure. 

I rose a brow. "What is this, Attack of the Mutant Kittens? You're all staring at me like I'm the Scar to your Mufasa or something." 

Well, trying to lighten the mood didn't work. I heard a tumbling sound and rushing water behind me. 

Lollipop had shoved the fruit out of the plastic carton into a conveniently placed bowl in the sink and  as water gushed over the strawberries, he gave my a triumphant look. 'You will eat, human.'

I narrowed my eyes. 'The hell I will.'

Lollipop twitched his whiskers. 'You WILL eat, stubborn girl.' 

The stares continued for a few more minutes, before I sighed, relented and turned off the water. 

I sat at the kitchen table(not like anybody really used it) and slowly chewed on berries, while I glared at a smug Lollipop watching every bite I took. Reizo seemed amused as well, so I grinned slightly. I'd been eating sticky fruit sooo... 

I rubbed my hands together, mentally cackling, and scooped up Lollipop and Reizo with strawberry juice coated fingers and pecked the tops of their heads. 

I put them on the floor, watching Reizo trying to rub the stickiness off with his paws, while Lollipop seemed to have returned to normal. "Hah! Now you have strawberries all over you! Serves you right!" 

I paused. Well, considering how messy they were with the milk a week ago and these two covered with strawberry juice, they probably need a bath. 

I shrugged and jumped the stairs two at a time, returning to my room and entering the bathroom. After setting Reizo and Lollipop down on my blue rug, I started the water until it was warm enough then turned to all of the kittens. 

"I'm only bathing three at a time, I don't need scratches and multiple furballs jumping out of the tub." I pointed back at Lollipop and Reizo to emphasize my point. (One was sitting calmly, the other well...not so much) "So I choose Ginger." I shooed the rest out and herded the kittens to the tub before plopping them in gently.....only to freak the fuck out when smoke poofed and flooded the bathroom. 

"WHAT THE F--!!!" My words caught in my throat, when the smoke cleared dramatically to show three very tangible fictional characters. Itachi had already calmly reached for a towel, while Pein had already done so and was now staring at me(with a poker face XD) and Tobi was hiding behind my shower curtain, complaining about his lack of a mask.

"OHMYKAMITHEREAREFUDGINGS-RANKEDCRIMINALSINMYHOUSEIMMADIE!!!" I paced frantically. "Why does fate do this to me...." 

Itachi sighed. "If you could get us some clothes we will explain." 

I nodded,"Okay." I scurried to my dad's room and pulled three sets of clothes out, grabbed my pretty expensive Tobi mask(as in, its not one of those cheap plastic ones) and rushed back, throwing the clothes in. I heard a shuffling, then Itachi and Pein stepped out.  

"Where's Tobi?"

"Tobi doesn't wanna come out! Tobi's not wearinga a mask!" 

I swear dropped. 'Does he not notice the mask on the counter?' I sighed. "Are you at least dressed Tobi?" "...Yes, Tobi is dressed." 

"Good, otherwise I'd probably die of a nosebleed...still not a fan girl though.." I muttered. 

Tobi laughed, and I flushed, detecting a hint of Madara in that chuckle.

"Whatever, Tobi I'm coming in, so cover your face." I stepped in, only to take an anime fall to see a lump behind the outer shower curtain. 

I grabbed the mask, and closed my eyes. "Mad--TOBI er I have a mask here, and yeah so here." I held it out in the Uchiha's general direction. 

"Tobi wants owner-chan to do it."

I huffed. "Tobi's a big boy, he should be able to do it himself." Warm fingers grasped my hands and guided them to a soft face. I blushed, but hurriedly slid the mask over spiky black hair, before opening my eyes. 

"There satisfied?" I tilted my head, annoyed. Until... Tobi grabbed my hand and yanked me over, leaning down a bit so his mask was level with my ear. 

A deep voice spoke using third person like Tobi. "Only if pretty owner-chan promises to keep Tobi's real identity a secret. Tobi knows from your little slip up that you know who Tobi really is." 

I gulped softly. "I'm not suicidal." 

Tobi patted my head and I scowled indignantly. "Can you let go Mad--Tobi?" 

"Not until owner-chan learns to hold her tongue about Tobi's real name. Until then I will stay close by."

I ignored the intimidating way his voice changed in the middle of his sentence and opened the door. 

Can you at least let go of my hand while I turn the others back, Tobi?" 

"Tobi can do that."

Great. Now to change the others back. The girls are going to kill me when they get home.

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