Chapter 2

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Next day
Fernanda's POV
I saw my mom yesterday I wonder where my dad is I haven't seen them in 3 years because of a portal that they send me through they wanted me to have my best chance and stop the person who cursed them before anything happens and people start dying. They didn't mean for me to come with other kids from our time or older people too. I have to keep in mind that they don't know me I'm suppose to be born in a couple of months my mother is a month pregnant but she doesn't know at least not now I have to keep them save at whatever cost my whole name is Fernanda Melody Jones Swan, I'm a pirate thanks to dad he taught me everything and my mom hated it.
Emma's POV
I just threw up again I have been doing this for like a week now and I'm late too, I think I may be pregnant I should take a test to make sure, I think as I'm on the bathroom floor while killian is out sailing with Henry. I stand up and get change to go to the store. At the store when I buy the test the cashier woman tells me good luck and I give her a smile,I get to the house and go straight to the bathroom and take the test I wait 10 minutes and look at it it says positive I smile but then fear comes over me "what if killian doesn't want it" I think a loud "doesn't want what love?" Killian says leaning on the bathroom door "killian I'm pregnant" I tell him in a whisper I look at him and his face shows happiness he comes towards me and wraps me in a hug " love that's amazing" he says and puts a hand on my stomach while the other one strokes my hair, yes he has two hands rumple gave it back to him " swan Im scared what your dad is going to do I don't plan on losing my hand again" killian says and I laugh at his comment " we will tell them at granny's today" I tell killian and he nods agreeing " let's tell Henry love" he says and I nod and we go to the living room where Henry is playing call of duty " Henry we have something to tell you" I say and Henry pauses his game "yes mom" he says and looks at me up and down "I'm pregnant " I tell him and he jumps up and down "that's awesome I'm going to be a big brother" he says and hugs me and killian "I love you mom and dad" he says and I look at killian and his face shows shock that Henry called him dad even though we have been married for like 5 months now Henry hasn't called him dad "we love you too lad" killian says and Henry pulls away "let's go to granny's " he says and we all agree and make out way to granny's.
At granny's
I see Fernanda sitting at a table alone and I pull my two boys to her "hey Fernanda" I say " oh hi Emma I'm sorry I didn't say this earlier congratulations for the both of you" Fernanda says and smiles at me and killian " do we know you?" Killian asks "no" Fernanda answers and goes to her phone "where are your parents kid" I ask " dead or lost I have no idea I haven't seen them in 3 years" she answers and I feel bad for this girl "that's why I'm the alpha of my pack" she adds and looks at Henry "Henry you have wolfblood too but not all traits only hearing and speed" she tells Henry and he smiles wide " really that's awesome" he says and Fernanda chuckles, then I see my parents enter the dinner "well kid we have to go I'll see you later" I tell her "sure thing Emma " she answers and we go to the booth where my parents are " hi guys what did you want to tell us Emma?" My mom says "I'm pregnant" I tell her and she stands up and hugs me as well as dad "that's awesome sweetheart" mom says and we hear clapping " truly amazing Emma " I hear a man say and turned around to see a man dressed in normal clothes but had a wand on his hand "what do you want?" I ask "to watch you guys suffer" he says and I see Fernanda stand up from her table and runs to stand in front of me "how are you here I made sure to close it so you couldn't get here all those years ago" Fernanda says and the man chuckles "foolish girl your mom couldn't keep me up with her magic that long I jumped after you to make sure you would fail" he tells her and Fernanda's eyes go yellow "why did you do it? we have suffered enough" Fernanda says and the man whispers something in her ear and her eyes go even yellower if that's possible "liar!" She screams and pushes him with magic.
Fernanda's POV
The doctor facilier that's how we know him on my time appears in front of my mom and tells her he wants to watch them suffer I stand up from my table and run in front of her and start to confront him he whispers on my ear "I killed them after you jumped the first one was your mom" I feel sadness and rage inside of me and scream liar and push him away with magic " stay away from them or you'll deal with me" I tell him " you know that won't happen melody" he says using my middle name " you will leave them alone unless you want to die" I say and conjure a sword I stab his leg "remember this I'm a pirate, wolfblood, and the next savior so if I was you I'll watch out" I say in his ear and take out my sword from his leg "we will see" he says and I back away staying in front of my parents "see you around future savior" he says and poofs away I turn to look at my parents that don't know me "who are you? And why did he say future savior?" My mom/Emma asks " I haven't been honest with you" I tell my mom "why did he called you melody?" Killian/dad asks "because that's my middle name" I reply "whats your whole name?" Snow or grandma asks " please bear with me I know it's going to be weird but understand please" I say "speak" charming or grandpa says " my whole name is Fernanda Melody Jones Swan" I say and look towards my mom and dad " hello mom and dad" I tell them and they look taken aback " we are your parents?" Mom asks and I nod "yeah" I reply in a whisper and look away with tears streaming down my eyes I feel someone lifting my chin and I look and see its dad " what did he tell you that made you scream liar?" He questions "he told me that after I jumped in the portal the first person that he killed was Emma or mom " I tell him and look at her "it's been hard I know all of you but I couldn't say anything, you guys aren't suppose to know about me but I had to protect you guys it doesn't matter what happens to me in this realm or time I will still live" I say and look at everyone "why did you jump on a portal?" Red asks " the man that was here was threatening the whole kingdom with a curse that I don't know what it did and to make sure someone saves them they sent me through the time portal to stop the curse and the kills" I say and look at Henry "I'm sorry to say this but Henry is the first one killed I never got to meet him he died  before the day I was born" I say and everyone gasps "that's why I have been keeping an eye on you guys for a while making sure nothing happens to Henry" I add and mom puts her hand on my shoulder " you are here to save us" mom says and I nod " I almost forgot I have something for you that the you on my time gave me" I say and take out a letter "she told me to give it to you if something like this ever happened because you wouldn't believe I'm your daughter and from the future" I state and she opens the letter and reads it then a tear slips down her eye "yep your our daughter" mom says and I smile " the note had something from the future and a few facts from your childhood didn't it" I say and raise my eyebrow like dad and he looks at me then chuckles " yes it did and why are you laughing killian?" Mom says and I smirk at him "her actions are like mine" he tells her and she look at me then sees my smirk and laughs too "is not my fault he is my dad and got me into trouble with you more than I liked" I tell her and everyone laughs "well I should get going my pack is waiting for me like I told you Emma or mom whichever one you want me to call you scream my name or whistle 4 times and I'll appear until then" I say and turn into my wolf self and watch their faces change with amusement I howl and I receive a howl back from my best friend rhydian and I go running out of the dinner.
Emma's POV
"We have a daughter killian" I say and he looks at me and nods "yeah and she's been through a lot" he says sadly and I nod in agreement "she is strong and shows no emotion like me" I tell him "she is fearless and shows no mercy like a pirate " killian says "that's your fault" I tell him and he laughs "we have to find her?" My mom says "leave her she is the alpha of her pack they need her" I tell her and then we hear howls and gunshots "what's going on?" Dad says and we all walk outside we keep on hearing gunshots "is coming from the forest" Henry says "how do you know?" Regina asks "he is also part wolfblood like Fernanda but he only has the hearing and speed of them" I tell her and we all run to the woods "wait" Henry says and we all stop,"over there" Henry says and points north and we start to run there what I saw made me tear up, I saw wolves lying dead on the floor a couple still standing but wounded and Fernanda in wolf form standing over another  wolf laying on the floor still conscious she barked to a man with a rifle then growled showing her teeth she charged at the man making him loose grip on the rifle and fall to the floor she stood on top of him and looked at him in the eye the whole time she then barked in his face and got off of him and bitted hard on the rifle breaking it in two she turned to human form and walked around the man "why attack a pack of wolfs at night and killed with no reason" she says and waves her hand and all the dead wolves turn into kids and teenagers "they were only kids" she adds  the man looks away not being able to watch any longer "I hope your happy" she says and walks away towards the wolf she was standing above "rhydian, come on wake up" she says and the guy doesn't move " don't you dare leave me rhydian " she adds "please" she says barely over a whisper and starts crying "shh princess I'm here" the guy says and she smiles throwing her arms around him "don't ever do that to me again" she tells him and he nods saying "yes alpha" "and I'm no princess" she says and she laughs and helps him up they stand and she brings him towards a creek that they have close "this may hurt" Fernanda says and puts water on the wound he lets a whimper escape his lips then Fernanda pressed her hand on the wound and takes it out and it's healed "wow" my mom says and Fernanda hears it "who's there come out " she calls out and we all come out "oh it's you guys" fernanda says and turns her attention to the guy "aren't they" he questions signalizing to us "yep" Fernanda replies  and they don't say anything else "Fernanda the Cubs" the guy says "shoot" Fernanda says and turns into a wolf she howls and then we hear little barks back she runs toward a tree and brings 3 Cubs out and turns to human again "found them" she says and the guy laughs then the Cubs turn to human too revealing two 3 years old boys and a 4 year old girl on their place " we are hungry" the girl says "yeah alpha we are hungry" the 3 year olds say "alright fine go to camp and there should be food but don't eat it all understood" Fernanda says "yes alpha" the kids reply in zinc "shoo" Fernanda says and they turn to wolves and leave " who are they?" Dad asks "kids isn't it obvious and they are the last of my pack that man killed almost everyone" Fernanda says " we have to go make sure those little ones don't make trouble see,you guys later" Fernanda says and her and the guy turn to wolves and run away "they love running " dad says and I nod and we all laugh "I wonder how she has wolf blood if we don't except Henry" I say "me too we should ask belle to do some research" Regina says and we all agree and leave to our houses.

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