Chapter 3

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Fernanda's POV
I wake up beside rhydian I have a crush on him but he doesn't know it I think I move trying to not wake him up but ends up waking him "goodmorning" he says "good morning sleep well" I say and he nods we get up from our tent and go to the Cubs tent "one two three" we both says at the same time and whistle loudly we hear groans from inside and we laugh "get up you three we are going to granny's" I say and they are up like a flash "Fernanda I have been meaning to tell you that I like you do you want to go on a date with me" rhydian asks and I nod and kiss his cheek "I'll be honored" I reply and the kids giggle "alright let's go" I say and we start to walk to the town.
At granny's
We enter granny's and the kids go to a booth and sit the three of them in one side leaving rhydian and I the other "after you" rhydian says and I slip into the booth and red comes towards us "hey Fernanda who are they?" She asks "red this is rhydian, Dylan, max and Ariana " I say signalizing to every single one of them and they all say hello "you smell like us but at the same time no" Ariana says " is because I'm a werewolf I only turn on full moon" red tells her "right and we are wolfbloods" Ariana says "that's right little one" I say and she blushes with embarrassment "red can we get scramble eggs and hot cocoa with whip cream and cinnamon for all of us" I tell her and she writes it down and goes away.
Killian's POV
Emma and I are walking down to the docks when we see a little kid laying down on the sand "swan look" I tell her and she looks over to the kid "oh my god killian" she says and we go running to the kid we turn him around and he wakes up and backs away "where am I?" He questions "you are in storybrooke" I tell him "where's Fernanda or captain jones?" He asks "I think she is at granny's" Emma says "can you take me to her?" The boy questions "sure thing" I answers and we help him stand up "are you also a wolfblood?" Emma questions "yes ma'am " the boy answers in a strong Irish accent like Fernanda's as we get close to granny's I see the boy playing with his fingers "are you nervous?" I ask and he nods "why?" Emma asks "I haven't seen her in like 3 years or so" he answers and we enter granny's and the boy looks around and his eyes land on Fernanda and hers on him "Liam!!" She screams and the boy sitting beside Fernanda moves and she runs to the young boy "Fernanda" he answers and hugs her Fernanda breaks the hug and looks at him up and down "how are you here I left you with everybody all those years ago" Fernanda says "that's why I'm here, Fernanda we are running out of time you need to save them the only ones left are Regina, dad, snow, charming, Neal, Isabella and I" he says and Fernanda gasps "what happened and don't leave anything out" Fernanda says "let's talk outside" the boy says and they leave the dinner "who is him?" Emma asks "I have no idea love" I reply.
Fernanda's POV
My brother Liam came to this time "spill" I say "Regina created a time portal for me to go though she is sending Isabella tomorrow so we should be prepare doctor facilier used shadows to kill everyone not just any shadow but the shadows from their love ones granny fell first then red and so on" he says "wait what about mom?" I ask "she died the day you were sent here" he says and a tear slips down my eye "we have to stop him now or we won't have a family to go back to" Liam says and I nod agreeing "they know that I'm their child do you want me to tell them?" I ask him and he nods "let's wait until Isabella gets here then" I add and we walk back inside "Liam is nice to see you how's my mom?" Rhydian asks "she's good holding on for now" Liam answers and then we talk about everything and laugh " let's go back to camp" I offer and pay and we leave.
Next day
Liam and I are at the docks where he was found I see a vortex open up on the sea and then Isabella comes out and I catch her before she hits the floor "hello isa" I say and she smiles big and hugs me "I missed you" she says and I hug her tight "how's dad?" I ask "he died over the night now is only Regina, snow, charming and Neal which they are sending Neal here right now" as she says this another person comes out of the portal it reveals 15 year old Neal he is a year older than me "Neal ! " I say loudly "Fernanda!" He says loudly and spins me around "alright now let's go find mom and dad" I tell the twins yes Isabella and Liam are twins they are 8 year olds "yes" they say loudly and Neal and I chuckle "how are your parents holding up?" I ask Neal "I think that's the last of them i saw that Regina couldn't take it anymore she let go right before I jumped in" Neal says and tears slip down my eyes "wolfbloods for life" I says "wolfbloods" they all reply and we turn into wolves and run to my grandparents loft where I know I'll find them, my parents and Regina, and Robin too. I howl and Rhydian appears beside me in wolf form running with us.
At the charmings loft
I turn into my human form and knock on the door mom opens it "hello Emma can we come in?" I ask and she opens the door widely everyone else is in wolf form "what's going on?" Regina asks as predicted Regina, Robin, my grandparents and parents are here "I want to present you to the last survivors of my time" I say and Neal changes first "this is Neal your son" I say looking at snow and charming "hello guys" Neal says and snow wraps him in a hug and he smiles in it "is good to see you guys even though you don't know the me in front of you" he says and bumps my shoulder "stop" I say and he smirks, then Rhydian changes "this is Rhydian Reginas and robins son" I say and he smiles at them "hello" he says and Reginas eyes widen "I'm pregnant" Regina says and Rhydian and I nod "yep I'm a month older than Rhydian we have been inseparable since kids" I say and Regina hugs Robin then they both hug Rhydian "lastly the twins" I say and Liam and Isabella change "Liam and Isabella my younger brother and sister your kids" I say to my parents "is nice to see you again mom and dad" they says and mom brings them into a hug "how long haven't they seen me?" Mom asks "well mom it's been 3 years since we all last saw you" I tell her and she hugs me too "and me?" Dad asks "I haven't seen you in 3 years dad but Liam saw you yesterday and Isabella the night before you passed away" I tell him and he brings all of us into a hug "alright now we have to get down to business" Neal says " what's going on?" Grandma asks " well grandma is it alright if I call you like that" I say and she nods "this was your last day on our time which means we are the last ones that can change anything as well as the 3 other kids that were with us yesterday" I say " doctor facilier is going to use shadows to try to kill you guys so no one should be without one of us because we all have light magic" Neal says and I roll my eyes at him " seriously stop interrupting me when I'm about to say something" I say and he laughs "wait you all have magic?" Grandpa asks "yep Liam Isabella show them yours" I say and they both make us appear at my camp in the woods "wow" mom says " Rhydian your turn" I say and he makes a fireball and a firewall and fires it a targets set up around "that's awesome" Regina says " Neal your turn" I say and he smirks and he snaps his fingers and water appears and he starts to control the wind he creates a tornado and spills water in it and throws it at me, I make protection spell around me and the water splash back at him "immature" I say and levitate him and also dry him " thanks" he says "whatever" I reply and look at everyone " who taught you guys magic?" Regina and Robin ask "rumple, you and my mom" Liam answers and we all nod "and as you can see we are all wolfbloods" Isabella says and we all make our eyes glow yellow then we turn to our wolf selfs "ok can you guys change back we want to talk" dad says and we all turn back to our human self "we will still live in the forest since it would be weird for you guys to be with us until we defeat doctor facilier we won't be able to go back home" I state and Isabella falls to the floor being drag by a shadow "Fernanda!!!" She screams and I turn to my wolf self and run after her I jump and change myself to human form and grab her I put my hand out and shine light at the shadow and it disintegrates Isabella hugs me tighter than ever crying "hey I'm here your safe" I tell her and stand up with her in my arms she is so light "how long since you last ate?" I ask "2 weeks the food is scarce" she says and falls asleep in my arms I tried to walk but I fail and fall down "let me help" Neal says and takes Isabella from my arms and I stand up but limp as I walk I look at my leg seeing it is cut I sight and go back to the camp "are you alright?" Mom asks and checks me up and down "a simple cut on the leg but I'll be fine" I tell her and sit down with my back against a log "why save her?" Dad asks "I'm their big sister I will always take care of them even when you guys where there I never left them alone I would always save them one because they are family and two because as a pirate that you made me I live by a code no person that's innocent should be punish or sentence to dead, and also it was the right thing to do. You made me a pirate that has honor and good form" I tell him and Rhydian sits beside me and puts his arm around my shoulder and I rest my head on his shoulder and fall asleep magic makes me tired.
Killian's POV
Fernanda fell asleep on Rhydians shoulder he sees this and carries her to her tent and puts her on her bed kisses her on the forehead and leaves "Rhydian come over here let's fight" Neal says  and takes out a sword "sure thing little prince" Rhydian replies and grabs a sword for himself and they start to fight after a while Rhydian has Neal pinned down against the floor "truce" Neal calls out and Rhydian laughs "looks like he prince forgot how to fight an outlaw" Rhydian says and Neal laughs too " whatever, hey I wanted to ask you what's going on between Fernanda and you?" Neal asks and I listen closely "I asked Fernanda out I was thinking of taking her to the beach for a picnic" Rhydian says "that's an awesome idea Rhydian she'll love it you know the sea is her home" Neal says "she's a pirate and a princess as long as she is happy I'll be too" Rhydian tells Neal and they both walk back to Fernanda's tent "hey fer wake up" Neal says and Fernanda doesn't wake up "one two and" Rhydian says "don't you dare finish that sentence I'm awake" Fernanda says "you ruined it" Neal says and they all laugh "come on let's go to the woods and have a run" Rhydian offers and they all walk out of the tent they look at us "you'll guys should be safe in the camp until we come back" Fernanda says and her, Neal and Rhydian stand in opposite points of the camp and put a hand out all their hands glow white and a protection spell is put up "let's go guys!" Fernanda says loudly and they all change to wolf form and run to the woods "she's happy" I hear Emma say "yeah she is" I answer and turn to Regina "I think we are going to be closer our kids like each other" I tell her "yeah I saw" Regina answers and we all chuckle "hey guys we have to talk" Liam says "what's wrong Liam?" Robin asks "I know you guys were wondering how we have wolfblood senses" Isabella says "yeah" snow replies "well you all have wolf blood on you just not a lot" Liam says "mom has wolfblood because of grandpa he has our sense of smell" Isabella says " mom has the speed and sight " Liam tells us "dad has pretty much everything except the eyes and the shape shifting" Isabella and Liam say at the same time which causes all of us to chuckle "Robin has the hearing and sight and Regina has the smell and touch, and Henry has the hearing and speed" they finish "so all of us except my mom have wolf blood" Emma says "that's right we can prove it to you" Liam says and makes a couple of bags appear "dad, grandpa Regina come forward" Isabella instructs "find the cake" Liam says and we all sniff the air it points towards the 3 bag "which one is it?" They asks "third bag" we all reply at the same time "nice job" Liam says "I smelt cake" Fernanda says startling all of us she is standing beside a tree leaning on it "yeah we are showing them their abilities" Isabella says "well good thing we came back" I hear Neal says and they appear from different sides "mom, dad come on up" Liam says "Emma try to catch Fernanda and killian try to catch Rhydian" Neal says and they both run around the camp and Emma and I take off after them, Emma catches Fernanda just in time and I catch Rhydian "wow that's the first time you have ever caught me mom" Fernanda says and bumps into Emma"really why?" Emma asks "like I'm a pure wolfblood thanks to you guys I'm faster than you guys by a lot and let's just say I'll give you guys some trouble when I'll start to walk keep that in mind" she says and laughs and turns to wolf form "Robin and mom come forward" Liam  says "yes Liam" robin says "focus on Fernanda's eyes" he tells them and they do so then we see their eyes change color to yellow and Fernanda turns to human "nice one outlaw and pirate " Fernanda says and walks towards Rhydian "I'm no pirate" Emma says and earns a laugh from all of them "say that in 2 years and I'll believe it" Fernanda says and Rhydian puts his arm around her and I glare at him "now let's try your hearing" Fernanda says and whispers something to Rhydian and he disappears in a cloud of blue smoke "where did he go?" Regina asks looking around "you guys have to find him is up to Robin and dad" she says and goes to the twins "go" she says and they turn to wolf form and run in opposite directions "while you guys find Rhydian Regina I'll be teaching you your characteristic" Fernanda adds and Robin and I start to listen I hear a howl and then water "his by the creek" I say and Fernanda nods "yes but what's close" she responds "the troll bridge" Robin answers "good Job" Fernanda says and waves her hand and Rhydian appears "they figured it out" he says and Fernanda nods "mom put your hand on the earth and look to the sky connect yourself to the forest and find Liam" Rhydian tells Regina "same for you dad but find Isabella" Fernanda tells me and I do so I see the forest and focus my mind into Isabella and I see her by the well in wolf form "she is by the well" I tell Fernanda and she makes Isabella appear "Liam is by granny's" Regina say and Liam appears "nice job guys" Fernanda says and we hear voices "no" the twins say and hide behind Fernanda "the shadows" Neal says and Fernanda, Rhydian and him step forward "whatever happens is not real" Fernanda reassures them and then shadow forms envelope them and then we hear shouting and crying "stop!" Fernanda screams and white light shines and the shadows disappear she falls to the ground holding her head crying as well as all of them "guys are you alright?" David asks they look at us with sadness on their eyes, Fernanda stands up first and puts all of her emotions aside and kneels down beside the twins they both hug her and cry "shh is not real" she tells them in a soft caring tone "but it happened" Liam says "I know laddie but we have to change the past for our future to not be like that" Fernanda says "thanks sis" Isabella says "I know I'm your last family by our parents lineage but I'll never leave you what we saw there was true but we can change it" she states and stands up and goes to Neal and Rhydian "guys is not real tune it out focus on my voice" Fernanda tells them and they both look at her and stop crying "we need to move so this won't happen again" Neal says and Rhydian agrees "I know but if we keep crying we would never get to our goal" she tells them and they all stand up "I miss them so much all of them " Rhydian says "me too" they all answer "ok what just happened?" Regina asks "the shadows show the persons we love the most but this ones in particular show them saying our worst fears and they become true on the vision" Fernanda tells us and the twins run to hug me and Emma "we will keep you guys safe even if it kills us" they say and break the hug and we all look at each other like asking what did they see that caused them to cry and yell.

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