Chapter 5

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Younger Emma's POV
I wake up to swords clashing and cheering "come on lad keep it up" I hear my older self say and walk outside the tent I see her, the twins, Fernanda, Rhydian and Neal all sword fighting and practicing magic and older Emma coaching them "Liam rest you weight on your back leg" she says and Isabella sweeps her leg under Liam's and he falls "ohhhhh" Fernanda, Rhydian and Neal say and older Emma laughs "Fernanda front and center" older Emma says and takes out the same sword as yesterday "really mom fighting against a pirate doesn't seem wise" Fernanda says and takes out her sword too "well something your father taught me is to never underestimate someone specially my family" older Emma says and charges at Fernanda they keep on fighting for sometime that everyone wakes up "what's going on?" They ask "training I think" I answers and my older self pins Fernanda down to the floor "surrender" she says "never I have pirates honor plus never trust us" Fernanda says and pushes my older self off of her and throws her sword away from her hand and points both swords at my older self "nice one kid" my self says "dad taught me and Turner too" Fernanda says and sits in the floor "hey kid I know you miss them but we will get them back" my older self says "how mom I'm losing hope is been 3 years and nothing's happened well until a couple of days ago but still I'm losing myself" Fernanda says and rested her head on older Emma's shoulder "sweetheart just remember that we are here to stop facilier and win this war" she tells Fernanda and Fernanda nods into her shoulder "practice magic?" She questions "sure mom" Fernanda answers and stands up offering her hand to my older self and she takes it and stands up "block" Fernanda says and throws magic at my older self and she blocks them and throws them back at Fernanda and she does the same "don't tire yourself out" older Emma says and they stop "nice job kid you are in shape for a battle if something happens" she tells her and Fernanda nods and turns to a wolf and growls at the forest then everyone does the same and older Emma's eyes change color "come out" she calls out and facilier comes out "I'm not here for you guys" he says and throws all the kids on their wolves selfs to trees knocking the twins, and Neal out while Rhydian and Fernanda are laying on the floor "what do you want?" Older Emma says "how are you alive?" Facilier asks "none of your business" she says and facilier throws her to a tree knocking her down to the floor "is time for you to die Henry " facilier says and throws magic at Henry's direction but it never hits Henry instead it hits Fernanda's chest as she got in between them and she falls to the floor but before magic shoots out of her killing doctor facilier "no!!!" Older Emma screams and runs to Fernanda's side "kid come on wake up" she says and shakes Fernanda but she doesn't wake up "please" she says with tears streaming down her eyes one lands in Fernanda's cheek and glows then we are surrounded by white light and when it dies down Fernanda is still on the floor and then we hear a gasp from someone searching for air "mom!" Fernanda says and older Emma hugs her "you did it kid and I thought I lost you there" older Emma says and keeps on hugging her then a portal opens and killian comes out "hello love and lass" he says "dad!!!" Fernanda screams and jumps on Killian's arms "hello lass how are you?" He asks "I died and came back to life" Fernanda says and Killian's eyes widen "yeah that happened" older Emma says.
Fernanda's POV
My dad came back out from a portal "did we change things?" I ask "yeah everyone is alive and well even Henry we all have new memories of him always being with us" dad says "where are the twins?" He asks "bloody hell" I say and run towards the twins wolf forms and wave my hand on top of their wolves and they turn to human "wake up" I say and they do "look over there" I say and point to where dad and mom are "daddy!!!" They scream and run towards him and envelope him in a big hug then our grandparents and Regina with Robin come out of another portal "mom dad!!!" Rhydian screams and runs towards Regina and Robin "hello kiddo how are you?" Regina asks "good mom" Rhydian says hugging them "Neal wake up there is people here to see you" I say and undo his wolf form and he sees my grandparents well his parents and runs to them and hugs them really tight "I missed you guys even though I saw you days ago" he says and they chuckle "Us Too Neal" grandpa says "well bloody hell how did you guys get here mate" I say to grandpa "hello fer" he says and I hug him "the spells were undone because it never happened" he says "gladly my dead killed facilier" I murmured "wait you died?" Grandma asks and I nod "yeah I'm still wondering how Am I alive?" I say and look at mom "care to explain mom" I say and raise an eyebrow "I have no idea truly just one tear fell from my eye and landed on your cheek then you came back to life" she says "the love you have for your daughter is so big and true that only one tear has that power" younger Regina says "wow this is weird how did you guys cope with this?" Older Regina asks "you have no idea" we all say at the same time laughing "well we better go back" dad says "do you have your ship there?" I ask and he nods "good" I say and change myself to my pirate outfit as well as the twins"Gina" I say and hug Regina's older self and she hugs back we are really close in the future "let's go mates" I say and they walk into the portal I walk in last but before I turn to the younger versions of them "if anything happens call me or you'll see me around and let's just say I'll give you guys trouble" I say and direct the last part to my younger parents "well until then" I say and bow down "it was a pleasure serving you" and stood straight and walked in the portal.
Younger Emma's POV
They are gone I think and look at my family "that was weird" mom says "yep" I reply and look at Henry "she almost died to protect me" he says and smiles slightly "she was protecting her family lad" killian says and hugs Henry "I can't believe how Fernanda changed her life in such a short age" dad says "well dad I think she had our family spirit on her" I tell him "it looks like we are a close family" I say addressing Regina "looks like it but she is the only one that can call me Gina understood" Regina says and we all nod chuckling and walk back to town " will this cause things to change?" I ask Regina "no if we don't affect anything" she answers and we all decide to go to granny's we order our usual and talk until the night comes.
At mines and Killian's house
"I can't believe it" I tell killian "well love she is a lot like us" he answers "only 8 more months until we see her again" I say and he nods and we go to sleep.

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