Chapter 2

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DownStairs was like a 2nd living room, almost like a Man Cave.

Iset down our bags and opened up Luke's and pulled out his costume.Not much too it, It was already put together. Your typical Bat Mancostume.

"Putit on, put it on, Put it onnnnnn" I say swinging around the costumearound.

The6 foot 3 boy easily grabbed it from my hands and threw it on thecouch along with his phone.

Ipouted like a little kid because I felt like one. Being short isn'talways the best.

Lukewalked over too the couch and sat down, just as he was Upstairs.

"Comeon" I wined, picking up his costume, standing him up, still on hisphone. "Do I seriously have too dress you like a baby?" He neverresponded.

"finethan" I grabbed the end of his shirt and starting too pull it up,But before I could get it anywhere he jumped back, dropping his phoneon the hard wood floor.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Luke yelled at me. I felt extremely terrible. Lukepicked up his phone, a huge crack across his screen and it smashed at the top."Oh my fuck, really Olivia?"

Lukeand Swearing never meant anything good.

"Luke,I'm sorry. I didn't mean too, I-Ijustwantedtohelpyougetreadyandididn'tmeantosca-" I stopped myselfand ran over to the couch, curled up in a little ball and felt a tearrun down my face. I was never good with people yelling at me or get mad. It'sall my parents did to me before I moved out. The moment I turned 19 Ileft, I couldn't at 18 because I was broke.

Lukewalked over and sat beside me rubbing my shoulder.

Nextthing I knew I heard stomping coming from Michael's room.

"LUKEWHAT DID YOU FUCKING DO" I heard Michael yell jump down the stairs.

"IDIDN'T MEAN TOO MIKE" Luke yelled back

Michaelcame over too the couch, Picking me up wedding style and getting my things also.

"Don'tfucking touch, talk, or go near Olivia, or I swear to god Luke I'll killyou. Everyone knows you can't get mad or yell at Olivia not matter what."Michael turned around and Some how walked up the stairs with me inhis arms and my stuff.

Whenwe got too Michael's room Ashton and Cal were on Michael's computerwatching YouTube in their costumes. The moment they see me andMichael walk in the door they jumped up.

"Whatdid he do now" Calum asked

"Whatthe hell do you think he did Cal" Michael set me down on his bedalong with my things.

"Fuckingidiot" Ashton stated, Ashton has always been like my older brother

"Nohe's not Ash, It's my fault." I speak up. But sometimes he pisses me off

"No.Livs, We all know not too yell. It's our number one rule in thishouse." He pointed out sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Michaelyells all the time and so do you two" I was tired of them pickingon Luke. I cracked his phone of course he was going too yell. I wouldtoo.

Theyall looked at each other.

"Butwe don't yell at you. We yell at each other" Cal announced.

"Whatever.Just promise you guys won't do anything to him, it wasn't his fault"They all went silent. "PROMISE" I Spoke up more

"WePromise" They all groaned at the same time.

"Butwhat i-"

"DONT"I argued. "And if you boys don't mind Michael is going to help meget ready" I added

"Gofor it" Ash Agreed.

"ThanksPuddins" I jokingly wink at them. Talking to the boys always mademe happier, no matter what we were talking about. It just instantlymakes me happy.


639 Words

HELLO AGAIN! Im going to try too update this story as much as I can, so stay active :)


Twitter: @OliviaMadisonxo




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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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