Chapter 2

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The next day, after the four boys had said their goodbyes and started to trudge home through the snow on the ground, Bethany turned her laptop on and started working on the homework sheets she had been set, trying not to think about how right it had felt to wake up with Ashton's arms around her waist.

It was about half an hour later that a sound interrupted the music playing through her headphones, signalling that she had received an instant message. Seeing the screenname of the sender, she couldn't help smiling as she finished writing down the decimal on her calculator and reached for the keyboard.

She had met drummerboy94 on the university chat room back in November when they had talked about how they were dealing with the pressures of final year in a group chat. He had sent her a message when she mentioned ways to relax and their relationship had developed from there, though they were careful never to use names or reveal anything that could lead them to identifying one another. The only personal information they had shared was their age and course they were studying.

'drummerboy94: So how was your week? Better than mine, I hope?

sub-arbore-sedeo: Long but ok. Work killed me last night, but movie night with friends makes everything better.

drummerboy94: Definitely. I spent the night with my bandmates and friends. We just got back.

sub-arbore-sedeo: You never mentioned a band?

drummerboy94: We're nothing special. We write our own stuff, but no gigs yet.

sub-arbore-sedeo: I'm sure you're better than you think. I'm guessing from your username that you're the drummer?

drummerboy94: That's me. I can play guitar, bass and piano too, but drums are my thing. What does your screenname mean? I've never thought to ask until now.

sub-arbore-sedeo: It's Latin for 'I am sitting under a tree'. Very profound, I know...

drummerboy94: Oh, of course. So profound. Any particular reason you're sitting under a tree?

sub-arbore-sedeo: It was part of my first ever Latin lesson and it stuck with me all these years. I might be a Maths student, but I still love my languages.

drummerboy94: I know we said we don't want to exchange names, but maybe there's a Latin one I could call you by? Your username is so impersonal for what we have. I mean, if you want. We don't have to exchange 'names' if you want to remain impersonal.

sub-arbore-sedeo: Roman names? Off the top of my head, there's Flavia, Aurelia, Cornelia, Claudia... take your pick, my friend. What should I call you?

drummerboy94: I like Aurelia if that's ok with you? You can call me... Adair, after Daniel Adair. He's the drummer for Nickelback.

sub-arbore-sedeo: Aurelia is fine by me; it was always one of my favourite names. Nice – Nickelback's great for rocking out to.

drummerboy94: Didn't take you for a Nickelback fan...

sub-arbore-sedeo: I'm full of surprises, Adair. Assume nothing about me. Now, tell me what's made your week so bad.

drummerboy94: Lectures are tough, I'm still not sleeping and my ex won't leave me alone. Last night was the first night I slept more than four hours in longer than I care to remember.

sub-arbore-sedeo: I'm sorry to hear that. Can I do anything to help you de-stress a little, or do you just want someone to complain to?

drummerboy94: If you're offering...

sub-arbore-sedeo: Go ahead.

drummerboy94: Seeing as she's calling me now, do you mind if I talk about my ex?

sub-arbore-sedeo: Whatever you need to talk about, I'm here to listen without judgement.

drummerboy94: I dated this girl, let's call her Claire, for about six/seven months, until we split just before we started talking. She was a Sociology student, cheerleader and so sweet; everything you could want in a girl. A friend of mine found her boyfriend cheating on her and I got closer to her as I helped her through it, but naturally Claire didn't like that, no matter how many times I insisted we were just friends. It all came to an end when I broke up with her because she still didn't believe me. Since this term started, she's been calling me every day, begging me to give her another chance, but I'm done with her. I'm just having trouble getting her to understand that.

sub-arbore-sedeo: Wow. No wonder you're stressed. I wish I could do something to help.

drummerboy94: It's not your problem, Aurelia. I just want her to leave me alone. If she'd trusted me, maybe we'd still be together, but I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me. Insecurities are natural; accusations are taking it too far.

sub-arbore-sedeo: I'd offer advice, but my love life isn't exactly stellar either.

drummerboy94: Wanna talk about it?

sub-arbore-sedeo: There's not much to say. Found my ex sleeping with someone else and have a crush on one of my friends who doesn't think of me that way. But it's been three years since I first started liking him, even if we've only been friends a year, so I can hide it pretty well.

drummerboy94: You should tell him before you graduate. He might surprise you – God knows you seem like a great girl. Any man would be lucky to have you.

sub-arbore-sedeo: I'm scared of getting hurt. Don't get me wrong; I don't think he'd cheat on me, not after seeing how I was after my ex. I just don't want him to say no and then make things awkward for our friends. The last thing I want is to lose him because he doesn't know how to act around me anymore.

drummerboy94: It's ok to be scared, Aurelia. I still say tell him, but only when you're ready.

sub-arbore-sedeo: I'll bear that in mind, but I doubt it'll happen anytime soon.

drummerboy94: If he hurts you, tell me and I'll sort him out.

sub-arbore-sedeo: Thanks, but I'll pass; he's a good guy even if he does hurt me.

drummerboy94: Let me know if you change your mind. I have to go. My friends want to work on our music. Talk to you soon?

sub-arbore-sedeo: Of course. Enjoy your music and I hope your ex gets the hint.

drummerboy94: Me too. Bye, Aurelia.

sub-arbore-sedeo: Bye, Adair.'

The drummer signed out of his instant messenger and closed his laptop after saving the essay plan he had been working on as they spoke. He ran a hand through his curls as he stood and left the room, purposely leaving his phone on the desk so 'Claire' couldn't disturb his jam session with his friends.

"Come on, Ash," said the redhead as he started toward the kitchen. "Tea's on the coffee table. Let's start! Five Seconds of Summer will have a show before you graduate if it takes us months."    

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