Chapter 10

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The next evening, the brunette dropped onto her bed with a heavy sigh after an eight hour shift at the café where she worked, still upset about what had happened the day before, though she wasn't sure if she was more upset over Adair not showing up or Ashton being in love with another woman. Reluctantly she stood up again to change out of her uniform and into her much comfier pyjamas, picking up her laptop and settling back on her bed to browse the internet.

Despite being exhausted after the day she had had and the fact it was nearing half past ten at night, she opened YouTube and watched various videos of bands she liked until a beep interrupted the audio, a window popping up on her screen with a message from Adair.

'drummerboy94: Hey, Aurelia. I'm so sorry about yesterday.

sub-arbore-sedeo: It doesn't matter, Adair.

drummerboy94: Yes it does. Something came up and by the time I managed to get online, you were already gone. I've been trying to catch you ever since to apologise.

sub-arbore-sedeo: It's not your fault. If you didn't want to meet, you shouldn't have asked.

drummerboy94: I want to meet, love, I really do. Can we try this again, please?

sub-arbore-sedeo: If you want to, we can. It's up to you.

drummerboy94: Are you working on Saturday?

sub-arbore-sedeo: No. What time shall we meet?

drummerboy94: How about six and we can maybe go for dinner?

sub-arbore-sedeo: I'd like that. The lakes again, or somewhere else?

drummerboy94: The lakes are good, unless it's easier for you if we meet somewhere else.

sub-arbore-sedeo: The lakes are fine by me. How will I know it's you?

drummerboy94: I'll bring something. A rose... yellow with red tips, yeah?

sub-arbore-sedeo: They're my favourite flower, Adair... Are you stalking me?

drummerboy94: Nah; I leave the stalking to Lewis. They're my friend's favourite flower and I thought you might like them too is all.

sub-arbore-sedeo: The lakes at six on Saturday then. You'll be the one with the rose.

drummerboy94: Perfect. So what did you do yesterday instead of meeting me?

sub-arbore-sedeo: Adam turned up and we sat there for a few hours studying. It turns out he's met the right woman and fallen in love. He also offered to beat you up for not showing.

drummerboy94: I'd rather he didn't. I'm sorry, love. Can I do anything?

sub-arbore-sedeo: There's nothing either of us can do, Adair; if he's happy then nothing else really matters.

drummerboy94: You really love him that much?

sub-arbore-sedeo: Of course. Wouldn't you rather your crush be happy with someone else than miserable with you?

drummerboy94: I see your point, but still... You deserve better than someone who can't see how amazing you are.

sub-arbore-sedeo: I'm nothing special; just a geek with a few friends she still wonders how she got.

drummerboy94: You're a beautiful woman with friends who love you. I'm blessed to know you, even if it's only over messenger.

sub-arbore-sedeo: You're trying to make me blush again, Adair.

drummerboy94: Only because you're cute when you blush. I mean it though.

sub-arbore-sedeo: Charmer.

drummerboy94: Only for you, babe. I still feel bad for not being there yesterday; I didn't mean to let you down.

sub-arbore-sedeo: Please don't. I still had a good time even if I got my heart broken. It was so stupidly wonderful being like that with Adam; I want a guy who'd study with me the way he did yesterday.

drummerboy94: You'll get one, I'm sure.

sub-arbore-sedeo: We'll have to wait and see. I'm starting to think you were right; maybe dating's just not worth the hassle. At least that way you don't get hurt.

drummerboy94: Don't give up on love, Aurelia. It's worth it in the long run.

sub-arbore-sedeo: I'm just sick of getting hurt, Adair. For once, I want the guy to be crazy about me and risk getting hurt.

drummerboy94: Trust me; there's a guy out there who you have the power to break with a single word.

sub-arbore-sedeo: Can we talk about something else?

drummerboy94: Sure. How was work?

sub-arbore-sedeo: Eight hours in a café where no one appreciates that having two dozen customers means they're going to have to wait a while. How do you think it was?

drummerboy94: That good, huh?

sub-arbore-sedeo: I barely had time to take my break either; we were one employee down today so I'm lucky I had time to breathe, let alone eat.

drummerboy94: They don't treat you right, Aurelia; that isn't fair.

sub-arbore-sedeo: What can I do, though? It's a job and I leave at the end of June anyway. I might as well stick it out four more months.

drummerboy94: As long as you're looking after yourself, I suppose that's all that matters.

sub-arbore-sedeo: I am. My friends would throw a fit if I didn't.

drummerboy94: As they should. I worry about you, you know. I don't understand how someone can take advantage of you like that; or anyone else for that matter.

sub-arbore-sedeo: Life isn't fair; this is just proof of that.

drummerboy94: It can't be all that bad if it gave me a friend like you.

sub-arbore-sedeo: And I repeat; charmer.

drummerboy94: I'll say it again; only for you.

sub-arbore-sedeo: So what's new in your life, Adair?

drummerboy94: Annoyed Matt yesterday when I walked in on him and his girlfriend to ask for advice.

sub-arbore-sedeo: You poor thing! You must be scarred for life. I know I would be.

drummerboy94: I'd probably be dead before I could be scarred; he's a little overprotective when it comes to Shannon. If he thought I'd seen her naked... I shudder to think of what he'd do to me.

sub-arbore-sedeo: So you're a dead man walking then?

drummerboy94: I probably would be if they'd been doing more than cuddling.

sub-arbore-sedeo: Well that's a relief. Especially now you've said we'll meet on Saturday.

drummerboy94: I won't let you down this time, I promise.

sub-arbore-sedeo: I'll hold you to that, Adair. I should get going; it's late.

drummerboy94: Get some sleep, love. I'll see you Saturday.

sub-arbore-sedeo: See you Saturday.'

Ashton let out a breath as she signed out of messenger, leaning back against his pillows and closing his eyes for a minute. It was official; he had a date with his best friend.

Now all he had to do was work out how to win her over.    

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