the bureau

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Thanks! And just a heads Up it's all Gerard pov


"Your stop ends here." I thanked the taxi driver and payed her in cash.

Before getting off I my backpack full of comics I had bought along with my fender guitar.

I closed the door behind me and started walking to the near by coffee shop. Dam! I was craving it for a while.

I walked up to the window and brushed back my red hair.

I opened the door and nearly bumped into a chick.

"Oh, sorry! I'm really sorry!" She apologized.

I only looked at her. Shit, she probably is thinking I'm a freak for I was blushing big time.

She smiled while playing with her pigtails. Then walking away.

I sighed and ordered my same black coffee.

It was pretty out side so I decided to drink it out in a near by park.

I found a lonely bench. Perfect! I jogged all the way. I lost part of my breathe, because I was really not in good shape.

I put my backpack on the ground, and took out my guitar while putting its case on the bench.

I had plenty of time till my brother Mike showed up for a horror movie. So I just started stumming away.

"We got no lines at the end of this. We're all just borned to descend... We got no love for the man..." I quickly took out a pen and wrote those lyrics down on my wrist.

I was about to play some more until I heard some one cough. I noticed it was her....


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