Action Cat

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I looked up to see it was her.

I cleared my throat... "h-hey."

She smiled, with her beautiful bright red lips.

"I couldn't  resist not hearing you play guitar. Your so good at it."

I blushed at that... if only my first band ever thought that way. It was really the only reason I h to kicked out... that and mainly, because I refused to play 'sweet home Alabama'. I felt myself smile, to the past memory.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I get it..." I looked up at her, as my memory  faded.

"You, wanna be alone... it's cool."

As she walked  away, quickly stood, while holding my guitar. I reached ft or her elbow.

"NO, wait... it was, it was just something I remembered. It wasn't you, I swear." At that she smiled.

God! Whenever she smiled at me, I felt numb! But in a good  way!

"Ok, good." She walked over to the bench and crossed her legs, showing most of her thighs, due to her short skirt.

My mouth dropped. She only chuckled, which made me blush even more, damn!

She then patted the  space next to her. I quickly  took it while still  holding my guitar.  Out of nowhere I started playing a new tune.

I took  out some paper from my bag to write down the music notes. When my sketchbook falls out, shoot.

"I'll get it!" She reaches for my book, and Holds  it in her hands.

"Wow! You draw? So do i! May I take a peak?" I hesitantly nod.

I mean, I really don't just show anyone my sketches. But I couldn't say no to her.

For every drawing, she examined it car fully. Gasping at my art work. It felt good. No one has ever liked my art work as much, except Mikey.

"My god! This are fucking amazing! How did u learn to draw like this?" She held up a drawing, pointing to what was 'LOLA'

"Oh you mean Lola? Yeah, will nothing special... it's just what I think of."

"Lola?" She had a questioning look on her face.

I chuckled, "yup, it's a cat..... an action cat!"

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