'No Shows'

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She only nodded, while saying ,"well, your so talented! People like you showed open a gallery."

"Really? You think so?" She nodded at that.

I picked up my coffee, which was no longer warm. I was about to throw it away, when...

"No! I'll drink it!" She took it out if my hands. After she chugged it all down.

My jaw dropped again.

After, only grinned at me showing her adorable teeth.

"Uhh, well if you wanted one... I could of got you one."

she blushed, making me feel bad.

Then she started laughing. "It's okay... I just didn't want a perfectly good coffee go to waist. "

I giggled. Before things got more awkward, I really wanted to know more about her. I mean she seems so freaking interesting. Who else wears a school outfit in public?

"So, uhh, you draw too?"

"Mhm! Yeah, I've actually already hired a place for my gallery to take place. A close friend and we have been working on it for years!"

I couldn't help to feel a bit jealous, when she mentioned a close friend. "Oh is he also your mate?"

She looked at me puzzled, then understood. She giggled, while giving me a soft punch. "No, she's a girl, nothing more,"

I could breath now.

She continued "well, we finally almost did it. But I love your style. Mines a bit the same but most of my art are 3D art pieces."

I haven't seen her works but just by, the way her beautiful face lit up, I bet they were amazing.

She just sat there now, twirling her ponytail with her finger. She was perfect!

She caught me starting at her and I felt myself blush like a stupid tomato... again...

"So besides, drawing and playing guitar, what else do you do?" She asked with those big dark eyes starting at me.

"Well, I write music, and as you can see I love comics." I said while pulling them out and putting them back in my bag.

"Oh really? That's great! And I love comic books too." She said while pulling out a batman beanie. I only grinned, batman is awesome!

I was about to say something when my phone rang... it's was Mike. ..

"Excuse me," I turned and talked on the phone.

"Yo! Gerard, I'm sorry, but my car stopped in the middle of a street and I just called a towing company... so imma be late man."

I could feel happier. I mean sorry to Mikey, but I had a little more time we it the gorgeous girl I just met.

" well, thaaannk youuuu Mikeyyyy!" I hung up before he could speak and grinned like a mad man. I put my phone away and went back to her.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

"YES, everything is perfect!" I gave her my hand and she took it without hesitation. And we walked toward the city streets, trying to find a good store to pass time.


A/n, hello! Thanks for reading and I'm so freaking sorry for not updating in years! Well here you go, but I will be updating pretty soon ! And I'm sorry this chapter is reeeeeeaallyyyyyyy short! But please vote and please comment on suggestions! Thanks!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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