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Reality before she breaks.

Can we take a moment look at something that we though was fine? You sit here and look at your child you have 4 but 3 you see. 1 is not her self and act like its her fault and she's up to something, the other you favor because she's what you always wanted, and your son is also a favorite because he the only one.

Don't you see the problem you child has given hits and all you can do is sit there and assume its all her fault she's like this. When, its not it the person not giving her the support or being there when she cries..

You say the tears are fake but who would you know. comparing her to the guy that doesn't get a name. See she's nothing like that, but she blames her self. she's not perfect, but you want perfection and she can't give that to you so ignore what she is capable of..

she wants she away from you and she to scared to even say the words, or even ask for help because she will be judge by the one she wants approval from.

how can you do something like this? she has changed so much because you made her build a walk. A walk that you are threatened by because she won't let you in. you yell and scream and she has no reaction so yo get louder and she sits there. she thinks of things to say so she sits in silence and you keep asking saying i don't know isn't a answer, but you say the something.

you have caused this every bit of this. but is fragile inside out. and she breaks after some much and you don't see this because you choses not to.

she has been through hell and you sit and watch house to trailer to apartment moved all over to get where? No Where.. just a broken heart. One day she'll be free from you and she rather just change her name..

she made a world where everything is perfect and she's perfect but reality proves its fake. she'll never understand what she did wrong.

how can you do this the child you promised to further to . she sits in confused lose under the amount of pressure there is.

so confused and not understanding what i did wrong.

The imperfections of the smile

Each smile has held something powerful and you can control something that is so fake that know one sees. Each time people ask i am fine. Know one see what is underneath the perfect smile of the bubbly girl. Always sick and Always waiting for something to go wrong.

The smile is a joke, with every I'm fine comes a seamlessly ending night with tears nightmares upon thoughts. But does anyone see that someone that can act so fine and perfect has something to hide.

I come over my self with hate and so much despair and disbelief's and anger not living to something everyone wants. Wanting every bit of approval and every bit of hope, and everything is gone with the snap of my fingers everything changes.

Broken promises all because of girl looking for something to help, wanting to be in the crowed she saw the crowed that everyone hates...Just like her. Home isn't the safe place nether is school, the bullying and hate is everywhere she goes.

Wishing that night star never missing the first sight alway waiting for the night to fall. Showers getting longer and days getting shorter and school coming to an end. Facing the fact I'm almost done, than i can run and caught my breathe and be freed of endless behaviors and endless nights.

Waiting for everything to be perfect but will it happen. Waiting for something to change Something to happen? But what? will anything change? will anything happen? or is it just and over active imagination?

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