Chapter 2- Making Messes:Literally and Figuratively (UPDATE)

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~~~Thank you all, patient readers! Here is the next perfectly imperfect chapter! It is riddled with grammatical error, so please, feel free to point them out in the comments below!~~~

The 'cafeteria' was not a cafeteria. It was more like multiple five star restaurants under one beautiful glass dome. Crystal chandeliers hung from the impossibly high ceiling, illuminating the room with brilliant flashes of color whenever the sunlight hit the crystals. Fancy tables and chairs were arranged artfully around the room. Highly expensive food items were displayed all around offering everything from Western meals to French cuisine.

"Welcome to the Aria Cafeteria," Kayla said, waving her hands with flourish.

"What's the currency here, gold and diamonds?" I muttered.

"It's not that expensive. The food is alright. I wouldn't try their French cuisine though," she shrugged. "Escargot isn't exactly fresh when it gets here."

"Alright, well I didn't bring a lunch today so I guess I'll have to get in line," I scanned the double and triple digit food items with a sigh.

"Come find me afterwards, and I'll introduce you to my friends," Kayla said before walking towards the tables.

I got in line that looked like it had the cheapest food. The smell coming from the kitchen was heavenly; a hodgepodge of different spices and fresh cooked meat, mixed with the scent of fresh-baked cake. I looked around for a tray to carry my food, only to find that there were none. Confused, I looked ahead at the person before me for guidance, only to discover who it was.

"Fate hates me," I mumbled.

Travis turned and glowered when he recognized me. His normally teal eyes darkened to a dark moody blue.

"Fate evidently isn't the only one," he sneered. "The mirror does too."

"Aww, still sulking Travis?" I smiled angelically. "How're your balls doing?"

I mentally thanked God right that looks could not kill, because Travis was most likely imagining my slow death in the most gruesome way possible. His eyes burned holes into my face, and his lips were curled in a look of evident disgust. I met his glare with saccharine sweet innocence.

"Next!" a crabby voice called annoyedly.

With one last sneer, Travis turned to the front to order his food, and I came face-to-face with the demon cafeteria lady from hell.

I was sure she was probably a perfectly nice old lady, the type which gives out lollipops to her seven grandchildren and spends her days knitting sweaters to present at Christmas, but she scared the bejeebies out of me. Her gnarled face seemed to be frozen in a permanent glare. Beady black eyes stared out of her sunken face, and they looked as though they disapprove of the world and everything in it. She raised a crooked finger to tap the menu board with food written in unreadable calligraphy. I felt like if I hesitated long enough she might take my first born child or something.

"Umm, I'll get the special please," I ordered the first thing on the menboard that I could read.

The 'special' turned out to be some kind of fancy meat covered in gravy along with some prettily arranged side dishes. When she put the food on the table, I reached over to take it.

"Ow ow hot," I cried and promptly let go of the dish. As luck would have it, the food flies off the plate and right on Travis' very nice and very expensive looking leather jacket.

"What the hell" he jumped and let out a string of colorful curse words. I winced.

"Would you believe that actually was an accident?" I asked sheepishly.

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