Chapter 6-Attack of Edward Cullen the Sparkleless

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  Around two hours of arguing later, we finally sent the application form in.

  Thank you for applying for 'North American Music Competition for Aspiring Musicians'. We'll be contacting you in a four or five business days to confirm your entry.

  "That is one freaking long name," I commented.

  "Which is why there's something called 'abbreviations'" Kayla retorted.

  "I knew that," I said.

"Sure you did," she replied skeptically.

  "What? It's true!" I protested.

  "And pig's fly," she said, making Sasha burst out into uncontrollable laughter.

  "You know what? They actually do. Oh, a little piece of advice: never say that to the principal. He will look like those miniature cartoon people that are really really pissed," I said, grabbing my jacket. "I don't have to time to go in the details. Nicky's waiting for me. See ya all!"

  "You're going to walk to his friend's house?" Sasha called.

  "Glad to see your giggle attack is done. And what else am I supposed to do?" I asked.

  "You know Ari, it wouldn't kill you to swallow your pride once in a while and ask for a ride," Kayla said.

  She's right about that it wouldn't kill me, but wrong on the pride part. Yeah, I'm proud, but I'm not usually above asking for help. I just don't like depending on people.

  "It's fine. I can get there. It's not like I'm going to New York or something," I replied, then walked out the door.

  The cool evening breeze hit me full on the face when I stepped outside. It was freezing, and I almost did turn back. Instead, I forced my feet to move, and I started walking. By the time I was halfway, my whole body was freezing.

  "Damn my stupidity," I muttered, teeth chattering.

  Out of a corner of my eye, I got the sense a car was following me. A black Ford Mustang, if I remeber all the lectures Will had ever given me on cars. I increased my pace, making random turns left and right, until, stupid me, came to a dead end.

  The car pulled in front of me. I looked around for a weapon. The ground had various medium sized rocks, wooden sticks, and debris, but nothing really I could use as a weapon. Instead, I pulled out my cell phone.

  A figure started to get out of the driver's seat. I held up my phone.

  "Don't move! I'll call the police," I called

  "You're threatening me with a cell phone?" the figure said, the voice tinted with laughter.

  The voice was male, and young. A teenager, probably the same age as me. For some reason, he sounded remotely familiar too. So much for the kidnapper theory.

  "Who the hell are you, and what the hell do you want?" I demanded angrily.

  "Who do you think I am?" he asked.

  "Some creepy teenage guy who has an obsession with stalking random girls," I replied.

  "You're funny when you're afraid, Arianna," he said.

  "How do you know my name, and I am NOT afraid!" I said, thoroughly freaked. My finger hovered over the dial button on my phone.

  "Alright alright, don't actually call the police," he said, walking forward into the light.

  "What part of 'Don't move' do you not under- oh," I said, as he stepped into the light.

  I was right about his age at least. His black hair grazed his thick eyebrows, arching over dark brown eyes that were nearly black. His skin was pale, though curves of muscles could still be seen underneath. He crossed his arms, his lips turning up into an almost smile.

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