Chapter 1

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Chase's POV:
This girl named Bree Berglund recently joined the bionic academy. She has super speed. Now we have three instructors at the academy. There's me Chase Henderson, because of my super intelligence, and Adam Boldman, because of his super strength.

Adam and I got called down by Mr Davenport early and we met in the foyer of the academy.

"Alright she'll be here any minute, be nice and try not to embarrass yourselves, but more importantly, don't embarrass me!" Davenport said.

"Don't worry sir, we won't." I said.

"Good." Davenport said. "Bree come on on!"

A lovely brunette girl gracefully, yet sexily, walked into the room.

"Hey guys! I'm Bree!" She said.

"Hey Bree, I'm Adam." Adam said, and extended his hand.

The shook hands.

"Ooohh, so strong!" Bree said and giggled.

"I'm Chase, nice to meet you Bree." I extended my hand to her as well.

She shook my hand and smiled. I immediately felt a connection.

"Alright, now everyone get to work!" Davenport said.

At that moment I told myself that I would ask her out before the end of the day. But I could tell Adam had a thing for her too. I had to somehow find the courage to ask out that breezy, beautiful beauty did.

I quickly ran up to her and said, "hey, Bree!"

"Oh hey, you're Chase, right?" She said.

"You remembered!" I said.

She gave a pity laugh

"So, um, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out with me tonight? Have dinner on the mainland?" I asked.

"Oh...well, I don't really know you all that well...and Adam kind of already asked me.." Bree said awkwardly.

"But didn't you just meet him to?" I asked.

"Well, no, I guess Davenport sent him to come get me, and we were talking, and we really hit it off. I'm really sorry Chase, and I really gotta get back to work, but I look forward to getting to know you!" Bree said, and she super-sped away.

"Yeah...sure..." Chase said sadly.


Poor Chase :( anyway, what did you think of the first chapter? And let me know if you have any ideas as to what should happen next. I'm always looking for more inspiration :) thanks!

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