Chapter 20

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Chase's POV:

I was in the infirmary with Bree and Tasha when suddenly I heard the doors burst open. I turned around and saw Mr. Davenport, Marcus, and Kate, wheeling Adam in on a gurney.

"What happened?!" Tasha exclaimed.

"Marcus, what happened?!" I asked.

"I...I went into the training room and there he was, unconscious on the floor!" Marcus said, putting his hand over his face.

I went over to Marcus and put a hand on his shoulder, "its okay, Marcus, there's nothing you could've done."

"I know..." Marcus said, choking up, "can you excuse me?" he turned around and swiftly left the room.

I went over to Kate and gave her a hug; she began sobbing uncontrollably into my shoulder.

"I know, Kate, I know. He'll be okay, they both will."

"I want to be here with him...but I can't stand to see him like this." Kate sobbed into my shoulder.

I looked and saw Mr. Davenport and Tasha hooking Adam up to some equipment.

"Is he stable?" I asked.

Tasha nodded, "he'll be fine, and he's just very, very unconscious, why don't you and Kate go out into the hall?"

I nodded and led Kate out into the hallway.

"Kate, they're both going to be okay, I promise." I said, giving her a hug.

"I know..." She said, sobbing into my shoulder still. "Who could've done this? Hurt Adam and Bree."

I shook my head. "I don't know, all the students love us. I don't know why anyone would want to hurt them..."

"Maybe it's an imposter, maybe someone snuck in and is trying to hurt them."

"No, that wouldn't make sense, because Bree got hurt in the girl's bathroom at one of the mainland's restaurants."

We sat down on the floor together, I had my arm around her waist, and she had her head on my shoulder.

Suddenly I felt someone grab me by the collar and throw me across the room.

"CHASE!!!" Kate screamed.

I looked up and saw something pick Kate up and throw her across the room too.

"What the hell..." I said.

I heard footsteps walking toward me, but I couldn't see who it was.

"Kate, you were right, it's one of the students! One that has the invisibility app!" I said.

"Do you have a list of all the students who have that app?!"

I nodded and touched my temple and began looking for that list.

"About twenty students have that app!" I called.

"Who are the twenty students?!" Kate asked.

"Casey, Abigail, Kyle, Molly, Stephanie, Skylar, Ian, Joe, Christina, Miranda, Evan, Alicia, Theresa, Marcus, Gabrielle, Vanessa, Hagan, Jackie, Nadine, and Victor!" I called.

The invisible attacker growled and began throwing fire at me, grunting in rage.

"Wait, those grunts are oddly feminine sounding..." I noticed.

Kate ran over to me, and I put my arm in front of her.

"Leave Kate alone, she has nothing to do with this." I said, protectively.

Suddenly I felt a message come in on my chip from Kate.

"Check and see who has pyro bionics."

I looked at her and nodded, only two students names came up.

"Marcus and Jackie." I sent to Kate.

Kate looked at me in shock.

"Jackie." I said.

A few moments later, Jackie made herself visible.

"So you're the one behind all these attacks?" I asked.

"Actually, she's not, I am." A familiar voice said.

I turned around and saw Marcus emerge from around the corner.

"Jackie's actually just helping, and it's hilarious, because she has absolutely no idea that she is helping." Marcus laughed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Look at her." Marcus said.

I turned to look at Jackie, what was different? I wondered. Then I noticed her eyes, they were green.

"The Triton app..." I said.

"Yep! I was so impressed with her bionics, that I made her help me! Also, did you like the rain of fire? Yeah, I added pyro abilities to her chip." Marcus said, smirking.

"But why would you make her hurt Adam and Bree?" Kate asked.

"Actually, I asked her to destroy Adam, Bree and Chase. So then Donald will make me mentor and then I'll use my bionics to control everyone, turn them all evil, and take them to the mainland where I will use them to enslave the human race." Marcus said.

I shook my head. "I always knew there was something off about you...But I could never figure out what it was."

"Well, now you can take that secret with you to your grave." Marcus said, "Jackie, finish him."

Jackie jumped on top of me, grabbing my shirt, rolling over, and throwing me against the window.

I hit the floor and felt my shoulder dislocate. Jackie super sped over to me and picked me up with one arm, raising me into the air.

"Now throw him out the window into the sea. Make sure he drowns." Marcus said.

Jackie nodded and threw me out the window; I felt the glass shatter all around me, my limps flailing all around me as I felt the cold water against my skin as I fell into the ocean. I looked up and saw Jackie standing on the edge of the window. I watched her jump and dive gracefully into the water.

"No, Jackie, you don't have to do this." I said.

"Chase!!!" I heard Kate call, I looked up at the window and saw her standing on the edge, and then I saw Marcus come up from behind her, grab her arm, and forcefully remove her from the ledge.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Also, concerning the "Lab Rats: Elite Force" fanfiction that I will be writing, and have already started to write, that will come out on December 6th. I'm so excited! I have already finished the cover for it and am absolutely in love with it!!!! I really hope you guys like it and I really hope you guys have enjoyed this story! Also, just as a little note: I will be posting the final part to this story on December 5th, and when I post "Lab Rats: Elite Force" on December 6th, there will be an epilogue and then the first two chapters, so there will be three parts for you guys to read that day. Like I said, I've already started writing it and I've written up to chapter three. I'm hoping that by Christmas break, I will have inspiration for another story after "Lab Rats: Elite Force" because I really want to keep writing for you guys! I know this has been a very boring authors note, but I really appreciate you reading it :) Also thank you guys for getting this story up to two thousand reads!!! I love you all!!

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