Chapter 16

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Marcus's POV:

After the last bell, I went up to one of the boys who Adam considered "the best" and began talking.

"Hey, Sebastian right?" I asked.

"Yeah, dude, what's up?" He said.

"What do you know about Jackie?" I asked.

Sebastian laughed, "Oh dude, she kicked your ass! But don't feel bad, she's kicked Anthony and I's asses too. She's a real hardcore chick, but she's really nice."

"Did you ever date her before?" I asked.

"We dated for a couple weeks, but then we just decided that we were better as friends." Sebastian said.

"Is she single?" I asked.

Sebastian laughed again, "Yes she is, good luck bro."

Sebastian walked away and I went to go find Jackie, I finally spotted her walking past the gym, which I'm pretty sure, was empty at about this time.

"Hey! Jackie!" I called, she looked my way, smiling and waving. I jogged a bit to close the distance between us faster.

"Hey, Marcus, right?" She said.

I nodded, motioning for her to go into the gym with me, "hey, I was really impressed with your bionics today; you must be one of the most powerful students here."

She blushed and raised her hand, brushing her hair behind her ear; I'm guessing she did that when she was nervous.

"I'm serious, you're really good." I said.

"Well thank you, that's very kind of you, but I don't like using my bionics much." She said.

"What? Why not?" I asked.

"Well, I'm worried that people would be scared of me." Jackie said.

I moved close to her, towering over her.

"I don't think they would," I said, "They know you're sweet and kind."

"Yeah, but they were terrified of me! For the first month I got here, no one would even talk to me for the first month when I arrived. Davenport even had Adam and Chase stand outside my dorm door for a while to make sure I wasn't doing anything I wasn't supposed to." She said.

"That must've really made you angry." I said.

"Well, not really, I mean I can see why they would do that" Jackie said.

"I bet that makes you really angry, maybe even angry enough to want revenge?" I asked, backing her up against a wall, and putting my arms beside her, caging her in

Jackie stood there, eyes wide, saying nothing.

"I know you want revenge on them, and I could help you." I said, putting my hands on her waist, and pulling her close, her arms were pressed against my chest.

"No, I don't want revenge on them; I know why they did what they did." Jackie said, squirming around in my grip.

"No, you hate them with all your heart, you want them dead." I said.

She looked really freaked out now.

"Marcus, your scaring me, what're you doing?!" She asked, panicking.

"You and I, we could be unstoppable. I have all of Adam, Bree, and Chases abilities, even the ones they haven't discovered yet." I said. "Join me."

She looked at me like I was crazy. "Absolutely not! I won't help you destroy my friends!" She used her super strength to release my grip on her.

I could tell she was either about to geo-leap, or turn invisible and use her super speed, so I quickly activated my override app and shut her bionics down.

She suddenly froze, "what...what did you do?! My bionics..."

I laughed, and took two steps towards her and grabbed her wrists. "I used my override app and shut your bionics down, sweetheart."

She thrashed around, trying to get her wrists free.

"You and I will fight side by side; I need your bionics to help me." I said.

"But if you have all those abilities, then why do you need me?!" She asked.

"You have molecular manipulation. That's one of the few apps I don't have. Also, I wouldn't mind having you around. After you join me, I'll extract your chip and add on some new abilities to make you even more powerful, I'm thinking I'll definitely get you some fire abilities, to match your personality, like pyrokinesis and pyrogenesis." I said, smiling.

She made a face of pure and utter disgust and spit in my face.

I glared at her, and put both her wrists in my left hand while I put my right hand in my pocket and took out the remote that activated the Triton app.

"What's that?" Jackie asked.

"It's a remote that activates the Triton app, it's an app that will make you completely under my control, you'll do whatever I want, you'll destroy whomever I want, and I want you to destroy Adam, Bree, and Chase. Also, when I deactivate it, you won't remember this little encounter. Or anything you do." I sneered.

She looked up at me in horror as I pressed the button and watched her eyes light up green.

Hey guys! So what did you think of this chapter? Let me know in the comments. Also, I was thinking about what my next fanfiction should be about after I finish this one. I know its definitely going to be a Lab Rats fanfiction, but I don't know what its going to be about, I'm running out of ideas, let me know in the comments. Thanks!! XOXO

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