Chapter 3

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Jack watched as Hiccup ran away yet again. Maybe he should have taken things a little slower. But he was so cute when he was ranting like that. Throwing a child's tantrum about saying how he wasn't a child. Jack couldn't help but give him a little kiss. It wasn't as if he full on kissed the boy like he would like too. Just a small peck on the lips.

But there Hiccup goes, running through the Land of the Dead as if he could actually get away.

Jack sighed and started to follow.

Hiccup weaved through people, trying not to think about how they were dead. In fact, he tried not to think about his situation at all. He looked around for anything that looked like it may help him get back to his home. Back on top of the ground.

"Hiccup! Stop running!" Jack's voice yelled behind him.

As if Hiccup would listen to him. He was the one who dragged him here in the first place. All Hiccup wanted was to get home! Sure, it wasn't that great up there, but at least the people were alive. And sure, his father didn't want him. And he was always ridiculed and called names. His name was Hiccup for goodness sake!

Hiccup slowed his running, trying to catch his breath as his chest hurt more than usual. Thinking back, there were many reasons why he shouldn't want to go back. But it was better than here. It wouldn't be terrible up there, this experience had shown him things could be a lot worse. Astrid wasn't heartless. She still smiled at him. They could work this out, maybe even grow to at least like each other.

"There you are," Jack said from behind Hiccup, making Hiccup jump and scream, his lungs burning at the effort.

"You need to stop screaming," Jack said, rubbing his ear. "I think you should be used to this now."

"Oh, yeah, I'm so used to being surrounded by dead people in the ten minutes I've been here!" Hiccup exclaimed sarcastically.

Jack frowned. "Sorry. I guess I don't get it."

"You don't get it? There's a store selling hands!" Hiccup yelled, pointing to the 'Second Hand Store' that had barrels filled with actual hands. "If someone's bones aren't showing it's not normal here! Oh, and not to mention I was dragged here by a dead guy saying that we are getting married and kissed me!" Hiccup panted. Why was he so short of breath already?

Jack ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I guess it's a lot to take in." Jack sighed and then looked back up with a smile. "Wait! I have something that might cheer you up! It's a present." Jack grabbed Hiccup's hand and pulled him towards a door. "This is where I live. Or, well, I guess I don't live," Jack laughed.

Hiccup knew it was meant to be funny but couldn't find the will to even pity laugh.

Jack coughed awkwardly, instantly regretting making the joke. "Anyway, welcome to my home."

Hiccup looked around the small house. It was basically just the one room with a bed and some cupboards.

"I know it's not much, but I guess we don't spend much time in our houses," Jack said, grabbing a wrapped gift and handing it to Hiccup.

"You've had this all ready to go?" Hiccup questioned.

Jack nodded. "Just open it already!" Jack said excitedly.

Hiccup couldn't help but laugh a little at the joy the other felt. Hiccup untied the bow and lifted off the lid. He yelped and dropped the box, some of the bones that filled the box spilled out. "Bones...?" Hiccup questioned. Why did the boy think that would cheer him up?

Before Jack could answer, the bones started to shake by themselves and assembled together, forming a medium sized dog. Hiccup looked at it questionably, wondering how it was barking. It picked up a collar that fell out of the box and ran up to Hiccup. Hiccup backed away instinctively, noticing that the collar looked familiar. He tentatively took the collar from the dog's mouth and read it.

"Toothless?" Hiccup said, stunned. "My dog Toothless?"

Jack beamed. "Yup! He really missed you."

"I can't believe it!" Hiccup exclaimed, forgetting the situation at the moment. His old dog was the only one that truly cared for Hiccup. He was devastated when the dog had died. Hiccup sat on the floor next to his dog. "Who's a good boy?" Hiccup laughed, scratching the dog under his boney chin. "I really missed you, bud."

Toothless nudged his way onto Hiccup's lap. Jack smiled as he watched Hiccup be genuinely happy for the first time in a long time. "He's pretty cute," Jack said.

"You should have seen him with fur," Hiccup laughed.

Jack refrained from saying that he technically has. The dead boy took many trips to the Land of the Living, despite the others saying it was a bad idea. When he first went and saw the sad, lonely boy, Jack couldn't help but continue paying visits. Even though he always stayed hidden, Jack always wanted to talk to the kid. And here he was. Sitting in his house laughing and smiling. It was a dream come true for Jack.

Jack sat down by Hiccup. Suddenly Hiccup realized once again what was really going on. His smiled slowly turned sad as he pat his skinless dog's head. He had to get back. But how? If he could just convince Jack to bring him back even for a little bit, his father could protect him and make sure he can't go back, right?

Unless his father won't protect him. Maybe he would gladly marry him off even to a corpse. As long as he was out of the house.

But his father surly doesn't hate him that much. And if he does, then maybe staying here wasn't that bad. But there was only one way to find out.

"You're right, about staying here," Hiccup found himself saying.

Jack's bright blue eyes sparkled with joy. "Really?!"

Hiccup nodded. "But, I really should tell my father and everyone that I'm alright."

Jack frowned and pouted towards the ground. He wanted to tell Hiccup it was pointless and that they probably didn't care, but he didn't want to be mean. Jack sighed. "Fine."

Hiccup smiled. "Thank you!"

Jack smiled back, happy that Hiccup was happy. "We better hurry up then! Let's get it over with." Jack stood up and offered Hiccup a hand.

Hiccup slowly took the offered hand. It was cold to the touch and Hiccup tried not to visibly shiver.

"You might want to hold on tight to me," Jack said, opening his arms. "You don't want to get separated in the middle of going to the Land of the Living."

"W-why? What would happen?"

"You don't want to know," Jack said. "So just come here."

Hiccup felt his face heat up as he remembered the kiss, but wrapped his arms around the boy anyway. He didn't want to find out what happened.

Jack smiled, knowing that nothing would happen if the boy happened to let go but he couldn't have let this opportunity to go to waste. He wrapped his arms around the small framed boy. "Next stop, Land of the Living."

Snow flurries slowly sped up around them and Hiccup closed his eyes and gripped Jack's shirt tightly as the wind whipped around them. In a couple of seconds, everything was still again. Hiccup opened his eyes and looked up at the moon staring at them through the trees of the forest. He was back! Hiccup breathed the fresh air in, his lungs feeling better already.

"Well, let's go find your father," Jack said, starting to walk through the trees.

"Wait! I mean, if anyone sees you they will surely freak out," Hiccup said, grabbing the sleeve of Jack's shirt. "I think I should go alone."

"I don't know..." Jack said warily. He just got Hiccup to be with him. What if he tried to run away again?

Hiccup noticed the hesitation. He stood on his tiptoes and gave Jack a quick peck on the cheek. "I'll be right back," Hiccup said hopefully.

Jack smiled. "Oh, alright. Hurry back."

Hiccup tried not to show his relief. "I will," Hiccup said quickly, telling himself not to run off. As soon as he knew he was out of Jack's sight, Hiccup ran once again but this time it was towards freedom.

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