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Please hold me in my time of need.
No words.
Plenty tears.


After school Malia and I went to the track to meet up with Natalie. Mickey was at practice which was a bummer but I didn't dwell on it. We went inside the track and walked over to the team. A girl with long black hair and light skin ran over to us.

She hugged Malia and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey babe this is my friend Kyra. The one I wanted you to meet." Malia said smiling.

"Wassup I'm Natalie. You can call me Nat." She said showing her pearly whites.

"Hi Nat. You can call me Ky or Kyra. Either one." I said shaking her hand. "Sorry to leave so early but Malia I have to go." I said looking at my phone.

"Oh alright. I'll text you later then." I gave her a hug and left running to my car. I got home as fast as I could. The ambulance was already there.

I ran inside and almost broke down right there. Mom was in a body bag..

"Dad what happened?!" I yelled looking away from the half zipped bag.

"Her heart just stopped babygirl. I'm so sorry." I watched in complete sadness as they took her out to the ambulance. I ran to my room and sat in my bed.

I needed to cry. I wanted to cry. The tears just wouldn't cooperate with my feelings. I was in shock. Mom is gone. So soon. I'm only 18. Why her? She loved life..

I sat there with my knees pulled into my chest and my arms pulling them in. My hair fell around my shoulders and my heart pounded loudly in my ears. This went on for hours. My phone flashed, lit up, rang, beeped, everything. I didn't even look at it.

I heard footsteps thinking it was my dad but Mickey walked into my room with her gym bag.

"I was so worried Ky. I thought something happened to you. Why aren't you answering your phone?" She asked sitting next to me.

"M-my mom died." I said still not believing it. Then the tears started. I took my glasses off and Mickey quickly pulled me into her arms. I cried and cried into her shirt.

"Shhh. It'll be okay." Mickey stated holding me tighter.

4 Hours Later

I woke up from a nap feeling sick and tired. Mickey was gone. I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked horrible. I put my hair up in a bun and put my cucumber serum under my eyes to make the puffiness go down. I was starving.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and got out all the ingredients for what I was making. There was a knock on the door and I went to open it. Malia bum rushed me with a hug and Mickey walked in with Natalie.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked sniffling.

"Mickey told us what happened and we couldn't just let you be here alone." Nat said. Lia nodded and Mickey smiled.

"Well come in. I'm about to make dinner." I said walking back to the kitchen. I got a pot and started making mashed potatoes. They all sat at the table.

"So what's happening tomorrow?" Malia asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm gonna go find a job and get a new tattoo." I said grabbing the chicken from the freezer. It was breaded chicken so I turned on the oven and started opening cans of corn.

"You have tattoos?" Malia asked confused. I laughed and nodded. I took my jacket off and showed her all the tats on my arms. She seemed so amazed.

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