The Hills

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"Mickey wake up!!!! Malia help me!!!" I screamed for her to help but no one came. Blood got all over the floor. Before I knew it I was covered in blood. From head to toe. I was drowning in it.

I cried and screamed for help. I couldn't even hear myself. Mickey looked at me with deep dark endless black eyes. She stood up and laughed grabbing me by my neck.

I was still drowning in her blood. But she wasn't dead? She had been shot and got her throat slit. But she was holding me in the air by two hands and was choking me. I felt like I was unable to move at all.

The blood became thicker and my vision became blurry. Mickey stopped moving and Malia walked in. From nowhere. There was no way in or out.

Malia grinned and began cutting me with a knife. I didn't feel it. I just seen my black blood mixing with Mickey's red blood. My eyes were clouded with red and black and I was numb. I could still smell it though. I could taste it too.

I heard crying. Not Mickey or Malia. Not me. It was my mom. She's dead though.. She kept crying and crying and it just kept getting louder and louder. I tried to scream at her to stop but my mouth wouldn't open. I was going crazy. Couldn't move, couldn't open my eyes. But I knew what was happening. Every single thing.

I sat up in bed and breathed in all the air I could get. I felt like I had really been choking. It was just a nightmare though. I looked to my side at Mickey who was sleeping with her head turned away.

I went to the bathroom and began crying. My whole body was shaking. Sleep paralysis had always been a part of me. It was the worst thing I ever experienced. I knew it was a dream. I knew I was sleeping. But I was unable to wake up or move.

I took a pill for my shaking and threw some cold water on my face. I had school. I felt so sick. I got in the shower and washed my hair which always relaxes me. I took a little too long. I knew I would be late to school. Mickey didn't have to go today because of some basketball thing she was doing later. I put on some jeans, a red hoodie, and random sneakers. I dried my hair and left my afro how it was. I brushed my teeth and on my way out, Mickey woke up. 

"Where you going?" She asked rubbing her eyes. 

"School. Remember?" I asked walking back over to her. 

"Oh right. Why you look upset babe?" She asked getting out of bed. 

"I had a bad dream. I'll tell you about it later." 

"Oh aight. Text me." She pulled me into a tight and wonderful hug I was craving since I woke up. I breathed in her scent and smiled. She kissed me and went to the bathroom. I grabbed my bag and left. I skipped breakfast in fear of throwing it right up and went straight out to my car. I drove to school and almost crashed into another car. I shouldn't have taken that pill. I was feeling out of my element. 

I went inside the school and to the office for a pass. She wrote me one taking her sweet ass time then I was off to class. Somewhere I knew I didn't want to be. I walked in and handed my art teacher my pass. Malia looked at me weirdly. I just slightly waved at her and sat down. I was falling asleep the whole time I was drawing my picture. I didn't know what the hell I was drawing but I wouldn't stop until I was finished. 

I finished 5 minutes before class was over. The teacher came over to look at it and looked at me concerned. I drew the most gruesome part of my dream. Except my eyes and mouth were sewn shut and Mickey and Malia were what I imagined demons to look like. Was I going crazy? Or was it just a dream? 

"Kyra...Can I see you after school?" She asked holding up my picture. I nodded without looking at her. When the bell rang I left without a word. Malia caught up to me halfway down the hallway. She put her hand on my shoulder and stopped me. 

"What's wrong with you? You seem so out of it." She stated looking just as concerned as my teacher. 

"Nothing really. I just took a pill for my nerves this morning and it's making me tired. I'll talk to you later Lia. I have to go to class." I said walking away. 

After School

I drove home and walked up to my room. I laid in bed alone. I took some more nerve pills..10 to be exact. 5 minutes later I blacked out. I was awoken a few hours later. By a doctor. In a hospital room. Mickey was sitting in a chair in her basketball clothes and her hat was hiding her face so I couldn't tell if she was awake or not. 

"What's going on?" I asked finally feeling my extremely painful headache. 

"Welcome back Kyra. Mickey called us earlier today and said you wouldn't wake up and you had taken some pills. She also said you were crying and screaming but not moving at all. Do you know what happened? Can you remember?" The doctor asked with a clipboard. 

"Yeah. I took some nerve pills and fell asleep. I suffer from sleep paralysis and I have bad nightmares." I explained taking ten second blinks. I was tired but didn't want to go back to sleep. 

"That explains it. But you could have died. Those pills are very strong. I'm sure you knew that. We won't be allowing you to use those anymore. We're prescribing you to a new type and Mickey said she'll monitor you in your sleep. Don't worry Kyra. This can be helped. I'll leave you to some privacy." She left and made sure to close the door behind her. 

I never knew it could get this serious. I never knew people who were awake couldn't wake me up either. I could probably die from shock during my sleep and Mickey could be laying next to me trying to wake me up. My thoughts were killing me. They were deadly. 

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