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"Mickey I'll be there soon. Don't lose hope." I said driving to the hospital. I was close to tears at the sound of Mickey sobbing into the phone. It had been a week. My tattoo was healed and I was too. I made it to the hospital and went up to the room Mickey told me she was in. She was crying at the bedside of Nia.

"Ky" She said before standing up and grabbing me into a tight hug. I rubbed her back and let her cry. Nia had been hit by a truck while playing outside on her tricycle. I heard she was in a coma now. "This can't be real."

"Shh Mickey. Hun things like this happen. Just keep hoping she wakes up." I said. She nodded and pulled away.

"I'm gonna go get Kennedy. She wants to be here. Can you stay here with her?"

"Of course. Go ahead and get Kennedy. But wipe your tears before you get on the road Mickey. Seriously. That's dangerous." I said. She nodded and left. I sat next to Nia and held her hand.

I've never done anything like this before. Never had anyone to comfort when they were down. It's a strange feeling. Nia was bruised up and all I heard was the machine keeping her alive.

The Next Day

We all woke up in the hospital room. Mickey was laying down in one chair with her head in my lap. Kennedy was across the room laying on our jackets. I was sitting back with my head propped up on a pillow.

I got my phone and looked at the time. 9. I had to be at work by 11. I woke Mickey up as calmly as I could. She sat up rubbing her puffy eyes.

"Hey. I have to go get ready for work. Call me and let me know if anything happens okay." I said standing up.

She pulled me in for a hug and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Thanks for being a good friend KyKy. I'll call you with an update on your break." She said. I smiled and walked out of the room. I went home and walked inside to silence.

Then a girl walked downstairs in her robe. I laughed. Then I noticed it was my robe..

"Wow." She looked at me confused.

"Who you?" She asked.

"Don't ask dumb questions. You in my robe hoe." I stated walking past her. I went to my room and slammed my door hard as fuck. No respect for my dad whatsoever. None at all.

I took a shower then got dressed in my uniform. I put on my nametag and put my curls into a ponytail. I put on a red headband to match my shirt and lipgloss.

I went back out to my car and drove to work. After I clocked in and went to walk around I ran into Natalie.

"Wassup Ky." She said stopping me.

"Oh Hey Natalie." I said smiling.

"I didn't know you worked here. You look good. Feel good?" I looked at her kinda weird.

"Uhh not really. Mickey's baby sister is in a coma and it's not exactly easy to keep my spirits up." I said frowning.

"Awe damn." She unexpectedly hugged me. "I hope you feel better soon."

"Uh thanks. How's Malia?" I asked.

"She good. Being petty. But I'll see you later. I gotta meet up with somebody." She said.

"Alright later." I walked away and went to the tech area. I helped a few customers and that was insight for how the rest of my day would go.


I got off work at 9 on the dot. Mickey never called like she said she would. I was worried. I went home to change and seen her sitting on the porch. I went and sat in a chair next to her.

"What is it M?" I asked. It was dark and cold. I barely seen her face.

"She woke up. Already. I'm so happy. I was sooo scared man oh man I was ready to kill the driver." I smiled and grabbed her hand.

"That's great news! When did she wake up?" I asked.

"Around 5. I should have called you. But..well I don't really have an excuse. I'm just glad everything is back to normal. Sorta." She said looking at her hands.

"What do you mean sorta?" I asked confused.

"Nothing. How was work?"

"It was cool. Men love flirting. I ran into Natalie. That was awkward as hell for me but she seemed cool with it so oh well. Let's go inside Mickey. It's cold." I said standing up. She got up and followed me inside the pitch black house. I turned on the lights and seen my dad passed out on the couch with broken glass around him.

I sighed and took Mickey up to my room. She kicked her shoes off and laid in my bed. I went into my closet and changed into shorts and a hoodie. I put on my fuzzy socks and got in bed.

I turned on my TV and put it on HGTV. My favorite channel. I took my hair down from its bun but left my glasses on.

"You hungry?" Mickey asked looking at me.

"Yeah I am. Really hungry." I answered thinking about food.

She laughed and got on her phone.

"Pizza or Chinese?"

"Pizza" I said.

She ordered a pizza and a 2 liter on her phone and we watched the TV together.

"Uhh Ky can I talk to you?" Mickey asked looking sick. I sat up and muted the show.

"Of course." I sat criss cross and put my hands in my lap.

"Alright this is hard for me to say to be honest. You know I'm gay and all and have a kinda large internet fanbase. But I know you're straight and you like to be closed off from the world. I just need to say that I'm sort of really in.. Like with you. I can't take being around you all day everyday without you knowing that. I completely understand that you have no feelings towards me though. I just had to put that out there." She said turning more and more red.

"Wow. I have a confession. When you asked me before if I like girls, I said no but I was lying. Hard. I'm a lesbian Mickey. I've liked you from the jump but I'm not a relationship person. Yes you do have fans. A lot! And if I was exposed to them then I would probably have an anxiety attack. But I like you too." I explained feeling a weight get lifted from my shoulders.

"This is too much to take in right now. Did you want to stay just friends or can we be more?" 

To Be Continued

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