Chapter 46: The Next Morning

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Chapter 46: The Next Morning

~Haley POV~

I slowly opened my eyes to blinding light, tangled up in Ross' body and sheets. I stretched out gently only to find it was very painful to move. I stretched the best I could without hurting myself further or waking Ross. Too late for that.

"Good morning beautiful," Ross yawned, stirring beside me.

"Good morning," I responded quietly, playing with his hair.

"That feels really good," he said, closing his eyes slowly. I giggled.

I untangled my fingers from his hair and kissed his cheek.

"Do you want breakfast? We have to be gone by 2:30 today," I said, sitting up in bed.

"Breakfast can wait," he says, pulling me back down beside him gently, "Besides, we've only been here one night. So we really have to leave so soon?"

I smile at him and cuddle closer to his chest, "You have songs to record. I have to get back to clean the house. Then, we have to go to that interview. Yes, we have to leave."

He groaned and pulled me closer to him so there was no space between us. We laid there for a few hours before we really had to get going. We both got ready and hopped in the car. I dropped Ross off at the studio after a prolonged makeout session. When I finally got home I laid back in bed and slept the day away.


When my phone rang on my nightstand, I remembered the interview today. And I was supposed to pick Ross up at 1... I checked my clock, it's 1:30! SHIT! I checked my phone next.

From: Ross

Are you alright?! I'm having Riker pick me up now. I've called a million times...

To: Ross

I'm fine, I just fell asleep. Sorry babe :/ 

My phone buzzed again as I was getting ready, pulling a dress over my head.

From: Ross

Alright. You had me worried there for a second. I'll see you at home :)

To: Ross

Sorry! See you when you get here! :)

I hurriedly put on some simple makeup. Nothing too big an flashy considering they'll just redo it at the interview. Then I ran a brush through my hair, ridding myself of bed head. Once I had finished straightening me hair, Ross walked into the house screaming, "HONEY I'M HOME!" Ugh.

"You better be ready because we have ten minutes to be there," I said as I rushed to the front door while getting my heels on. He lent me his shoulder as I struggled for balance.

"I am ready. You're the one who needs to be ready," he chuckled as I stood up, now fully dressed and persentable.

"You just worry about- Oh God," I felt a queasy in my stomac and ran to the bathroom. Not very easy to do in heels, let me tell you. I threw the lid open and just puked.

"Are you okay?" Ross asked, his voice full of concern. One of his hands was holding my hair back and the other rubbing small circles on my back, trying to comfort me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just gonna brush my teeth," I said, standing up from the floor. 

"I'll be waiting in the car," he said. He kissed my cheek and left. 

I quickly brushde my teeth, then ran/walked outside to the car. We were definitely going to be late now.

"I'm so sorry. Now we're going to be-" I said, only to be cut off by Ross as I climbed in the car.

"You can't help getting sick. Don't stress babe," he said, starting the car and heading towards the Ellen set.


"Do they have food here?" I asked one of the stage directors. He nodded and pointed to a table of food that I hadn't yet noticed. "Thank you."

Ross followed me to the table. I devoured some cookies and a two hotdogs before I realized people were watching me. I gently sat the hotdog I was about to eat back down and slowly walked away while Ross followed me.

"Hungry much?" he chuckled as we went back to our dressing rooms.

"Leave me alone," I laughed as the hair dressers and makeup people sat us down in seperate chairs beside each other.

"Do you think Ellen is nice?" Ross asked while they were trying to perfect his hair. One problem: Stormie and I are the only ones who can do it.

"I know she's nice, Ross," I reply. I stand up from my chair and walk behind Ross' chair, dismissing the hairdresser. I quickly fix it just right and sit back down so my people can finish up.

Once we're done getting all dolled up, we have about 30 minutes to ourselves before we are called on stage. We were sitting on the couch on our dressing room, both of us on our phones. Ross leaned over and started kissing my neck. 

I giggled, "Stop Roooossss!" 

He smiled against my neck, "What's the magic word?"

"I don't know. But if you don't stop, I'll tickle you," I said sternly. He stoppped kissing my neck and went back to tweeting the fans.

"We need you on stage in five minutes guys," a stage director said, then walked away.

We got up, hand in hand, and walked toward the stage area. We had been shown around earlier today, so we knew where we were going.

"Alright, you guys go ahead and sit on that couch over there and Ellen will be out in a few minutes," the stage director said. 

We walked over to the couch and sat down, just chatting with each other until she came. This was going to be a fun interview, I could already tell

A/N: Sorry about the long wait! I had a bit of writers block :/ But it's gone now, so I hope you've enjoyed the story so far. Of course, all good things must come to an end, so this story won't be too much longer. Maybe 60 chapters at most? Yeah I know, it sucks :/ But, I may or may not write a sequel, depending on what you guys want. I want to thank everyone who has supported the story and voted and commented :D It helps me out A LOT! :) Thanks everyone who reads it! :D And I'll see you for the next chapter! :D Stay Beautiful guys <3 c:

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