Chapter 4 : Friends Forever :)

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Genny's POV
I was so frustrated. It was all Raj's fault. Doesn't he gets that I am not interested in him. I could hear the faint shouts which were mixed with the sounds of clicking heels and I knew who was following me. Annie.

"Genny you know he-" she was cut off by me as I started pouring all my anger on her.

"Annie just shut up!" I yelled on top of my lungs.

When I turned I saw her with a shocked expression. Her eyes were wide open and not to mention her mouth was hanging wide open. She blinked twice and then composed herself. Then she frowned and then grabbed my wrist and dragged me in the elevator.

In the elevator I was a little behind so I couldn't see her face which made me sink in the thoughts of what was she thinking.

As soon as the elevator made that ding sound Annie again grabbed my hand and dragged me towards a door. She unlocked the door and a spacious room came into my view. The room had a large king sized bed and all our luggage was already inside.

She practically threw me inside and crossed her hands above her chest and sighed heavily.

"Now you can go on with your story." She said with an irritating smirk.

"What do you find so amusing?"I said and straightened myself on the bed.

"Nothing. Just tell me what my handsome and most intelligent cousin did." She said sarcastically.

I suppressed my urge of laughing. This girl definitely knew my correct buttons. Even her lips curved in a smile and in no time we both were laughing loudly.

After having a hearty laugh I faced her,"OK maybe he is not intelligent but he is handsome."

Her head snapped towards me and now I had her full attention.

"You are ATTRACTED to him!"she yelled.

"Are you mad or something I am not attracted its just that he is stupid but he has looks." I said facing other direction so that she couldn't see me blushing. I don't even know why I was blushing. Urgh! This is all because of that Raj.

"Someone's blushing! Oh come on I know you even compared him with the main lead of that book of yours. What was his name Dylan or something?" She said her brows furrowed while she was thinking deeply.

"Its Christian you dumbo!" I snapped at her. How could anybody forget his name? This shows her height of stupidity.

"Yup the same." She said waving her hand dismissively. "So if you think he is perfect why don't you just accept his proposal." She said again with a frown on her face.

When I didn't answered she asked me again. Now I had to tell her, so I thought instead of going on the whole story I would just blurt out the main part. So I took a deep breath.....

"He tried to kiss me...." I blurted out.
"....I even slapped the way on his left cheek."

Her eyes widened and she was gaping at me. But then she narrowed her eyes at the ground and stood up.

"I will be right back just use the intercom and order something to eat alright." Her eyes softened while talking to me.

I was a little confused about what she said but before I could ask her she had already left.

Raj's POV

As soon as I finished my story I looked up at Neil. He was giving me a look which I really didn't understand.

Well practically I told him everything from the day I and Genny met till today.

"So..." I trailed of not knowing what to say.

Then suddenly Neil straightened himself as if he had regained his consciousness and smacked the back of my head hard.

"What was that for?" I groaned.

And before Neil could say anything further the barstool I was sitting on twirled and my right cheek sting because of the impact of a slap. When I looked up I saw Annie was in front of me. She looked at Neil and they exchanged some glances and smirked.

"Because of your stupidity." They said in unison.

"What?" I said while rubbing practically my whole head.

They both tried to suppress the urge of their laughing due to my rubbing actions and unfortunately succeeded.

"Dude seriously have you lost it. The girl doesn't even like you and you tried to kiss her?" Neil said while giving me a disgusted look.

"Exactly Raj I was not expecting this from you. You just proved yourself to be a perfect idiot. From now on don't even dare to ask me about planning anything which includes Genny." She said annoyed completely.

With that she turned on her heels and made her way towards the club door. But before she left she leaned over the door and said,"We are leaving tomorrow morning at around 11 so I will see you both directly at the college." She winked and left.

I sighed and turned towards Neil. He was still looking at the door.

"Now you find that door fascinating?"
I asked.

"Nah! I find your sister more fascinating than that." And he smirked.

Genny's POV

I ate my food and waited for Annie but she was still not in sight. So I changed in my PJs and leaned over my bed and soon due to the headache I found myself drifting to sleep.

But after sometime I felt the other side of the bed to be dipping down due to someone's weight. I instantly knew its Annie due to the fragrance of roses which filled my nostrils.

"Left or right" I asked keeping my eyes closed.

"Right" as soon as she said that I opened my one eye and our eyes locked and we both started giggling.

We both sat leaning our head on the head board still laughing.

"You should have seen his actions while he was practically rubbing his whole head." She said still laughing.

"Whole head?" I asked her still giggling.

"Oh yeah Neil also hit him hard on his head." She said.

Neil? Whose Neil. Oh yeah the one Annie was dancing with.

"So...... is he your next?" I asked her wiggling my brows. "Heard he is joining our college with Raj." I said still wiggling my brows.

She chuckled maybe on my childish behaviour. And then sobered herself.

"Yeah you can say that. Apart from letting you meet Raj he was the another reason I came here." She said winking at me and picking her phone from the table and started typing something.

She continued,"By the way we are leaving tomorrow at 11 dad needs the jet and as you see I can't deny him because I am not interested in messing with him." Then she sighed and kept her phone again on the table.

"Come on babes let's sleep." She said yawning.

"Yup let's sleep." I yawned. "Good night Annie."

"Good night Genny."

With those words and some grateful and ungrateful moments of the day I left myself loose and drifted into deep sleep.

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