Chapter 20 : Akira = she = OMG!!!

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Neil's POV
Soon both our cars were parked near my favourite McDonalds. Note the sarcasm. But since Anahita wanted to eat there I actually didn't had much of an option.

Soon we were sitting on a table with our orders in front of us and she was about to dig in when I decided about starting my interrogation.

" are you?"I tried to ask her casually but concern was evident in it.

She immediately stiffened, "Don't. And anyway I am fine. Let's finish this lunch up, I need to get home anyway." She said quietly but exasperatedly.

"I am not letting you go before you answer my questions." I snapped trying to contain my anger. I don't know why I was getting all worked up on her but I just want some answers. Because I am going crazy just thinking about her all day.

"Well shit Sherlock I don't wanna answer." She snapped. She picked up her burger and coke and lead her way outside.

I sighed deeply. But obviously I wasn't leaving her alone I needed answers.

I followed her outside and when she was near her car I was in front of her.

"What do you think you are doing?" She was super annoyed but trust me I don't care right now.

"Well I told answer me and you can be on your way."

She sighed, "Why do you even want to know my messed up life? Its nothing great." She whispered.

"So there is something, isn't it? Then just answer me and take it out once and for all you will feel better."

She suddenly looked at me and smirked. I raised my brow quizzically and she just shook her head but the smile was still evident on her face.

"You sound like my therapist." She said amused.

"Therapist?" I exclaimed.

She rolled her eyes. "As if you don't know I know you and Genny were following me. When I was going to the therapist in the suburban area."
(A\N Refer Chapter 14)

"What do you know that?" Seriously how does she gets to know every time that somebody is following her.

She smirked. "Well I have my own ways."

"One sec, we followed you but we never knew that you were going to the therapist? And most importantly why were you going to a therapist?"
I asked.

"Listen I am not talking about this stuff with you." She was about to turn and leave when suddenly I don't know what came into me but I pinned her against her car so that she was trapped between me and her car.

"What are you doing? Neil move." She was nervous. Yes nervous! She even had her eyes casted downwards. Was it because of our close proximity.

My eyes softened, "Hey" I caressed her cheek with the back of my knuckles and lifted her chin so that I can look into her eyes.

But when I lifted her head they had tears in them. And suddenly I felt the world had stopped. You know that feeling when someone is choking you that's what exactly was happening to me looking her this vulnerable.

I immediately engulfed her in my embrace and kissed her forehead.

"You know what just forget I even I asked you anything OK just relax." I said softly. I just didn't want her to cry. Soon enough she hugged me back with her hands wrapped around my waist.

We were like this for a long time just enjoying each other's embrace.

"I will tell you." She whispered.

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