Bonus Chapter

38 4 2

Neil's POV
"Hey love, I am home!" I shouted as soon as I entered from the double doors of our mansion.

Its been two years since we got married and I was never been this much happier.

When at that time I had told my parents about my decision of marrying Anahita they were more that happy to agree. Same was with Punit Uncle. So our marriage went kinda smooth.

Chand and Rina too married immediately after us. I swear till date I didn't understood why did they broke up in the first place.

I sat on the couch and was enjoying the cool breeze of the A.C. I am telling you Mumbai has the power of boiling a person this summer!

That's when the love of my life walked out of the kitchen with a glass of water in her hand. I hope the water is chilled.

Though we have been married for a long time now I still love her and have been attracted to her the same way I did before our marriage.

"There you go." She handed me the glass and sat beside me. She had an uneasy smile on her face. Its been like that from a week now. I don't know what's eating her?

"How was your day?" She asked distracting me from my thoughts

"Boring as usual. What about yours?" I asked her back still thinking about the problem which she is trying to hide behind her smile.

"I had a meeting with Singhals. It went well though." What? I hope you didn't thought that she is a housewife.
Off course not, she has just made a habit of coming earlier than me. I don't know why?

But you know the sweetest thing she did was changing her company's name from Arora Finance Ltd. to Khurana Finance Ltd.

"Have you thought about the company?" She asked breaking me from my thoughts.

I sighed heavily.
"No, I have told you that. You are the best CEO that company can get."

This is also one of the things she has started asking me about from last week. She wants me to handle the company and she wants to sit at home. Like seriously. As if I am gonna let her do that.

"Is there something going on with you? You look quite uncomfortable love." I was really getting panicked now.

"Actually, yes there is something going on." She said avoiding my eyes. OK well what's going on with her?

"Here, you will get to know everything from this envelope." She said and ran upstairs.

I was confused, scared and panicked all at once. As soon as she was out of sight I quickly opened the envelope and there was a kind of x-ray and a report with it.

I quickly started scanning the report to look of what it was about.

Then I saw two words which actually shocked me.

Pregnancy : Positive

Oh. My. God.

Is this really happening? I am gonna be a daddy?

"I am gonna be a Daddy!" I screamed on top of my lungs. I don't know why I did that but I just want the whole world to know that my love is gonna be giving me the best gift of my life.

As soon as Anahita came in my mind I ran upstairs directly towards our bedroom. I twisted the knob and was greeted with darkness.

"Anahita" I called softly.

"Neil I am here in the balcony." I sprinted towards her and saw her sitting on the love seat we had specially designed for us.

First thing I did after slowly sitting beside her and taking her on my lap very carefully was to kiss the life out of her.

Then we talked the whole night about things I had never imagined.
What kind of diaper we are gonna use? We shouldn't spoil the child too much. How Akira is gonna get a small brother/sister to play with.

Oh don't be too shocked, Akira as in not Anahita's sister its her niece.

Heard it right guys. 'Raj being the best brother in the universe named his new born daughter as Akira.' Anahita's words not mine.

Why can't Genny say something like that to me? Mentally pouting.

We kept on talking about other things and that's when I realised that I am happy because she is ready to sacrifice her successful career for me by going on a break for almost a year or maybe more. The least I can do is thank her, don't I?

"You have made me the happiest man alive love. Thank you. Thank you so much." I said hugging her tightly. She hugged me back and chuckled in response.

"What?" I asked frowning.

"You" she replied simply.

"What do you mean by me?" I asked curiously.

"That were the exact same words you said when you proposed me and I said yes." She said with amusement on her face.

"If I recall I even had a make out session with you, didn't I ?" I smirked.

She slapped my chest lightly.
"Pervert." But her smile revealed her fake annoyance.

I know one thing straight if Anahita wouldn't had been in my life I would have been bored to death.

She just made my life somewhat...... lively. She just never seems to miss a point where she can't make me fall for her all over again.

"I love you." I whispered in her ear. As she was now cuddling with me on the love seat.

She lifted her head and chastely kissed my lips, "I love you too." And giving me a glance of her smile buried her head in my chest again.

As I said before with her my life can never be boring.

Because after all she is......


The End

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