Chapter 4

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Hallie's pov.
I arrived at the freaking hotel.It looked cute,spacious and very busy 'I hope its just not going to let me down' I told myself as I helped the taxi driver to get my luggage off the car.We had to wait for the crazy Grier to offload all his luggage.He had lots of stuff as if he had brought his whole wardrobe in a hotel.This guy really had issues.
"Can you get your freaky ass out of my way?" I yelled at him.
"Can you  please give me an hour?"he smirked and continued offloading.
'Gosh why is he so annoying' I tried to be patient  until he was done with the last bag and the driver got on his seat and drove off leaving the all his luggage at the gate side.I'm double sure he too must have been pissed off like I was.And now I was really not in the mood to make faces with him so I took my two bags and started pulling them inside the huge entrance.'I hope I never see you again,asshole'I told myself.
I walked straight to the reception to get my room keys and headed to my room.All I wanted now was a good sleep and later I would make a plan of how I'm gonna spend this vacation.I smiled at the thought of being alone,without my parents presence.I should have fun.This is what I have always wanted and I had a chance to have it.
I stopped at my room's entrance which read,ROOM 130D.I had no time to start  wondering how big this hotel must be cause really it must be very heavily loaded with people.I put the key on the lock which I had been holding the entire time from the reception and opened the massive door.Whooooaaa! W.T.F!!I hissed,my body freezing.
How could they give me such a room!The entire place was flooded with water I guess from the bathroom tap which I could hear still running.Like seriously do I look like a fish,frog or something? What the hell is just wrong with this trip? I wondered,my eyes still glued on flooded room.I stepped backward,held my bags which I had luckily  left outside on the corridor,closed the door and walked back towards the reception.'If they don't fix my problem,I swear I'm going to make a big scene' I swore trying to clutching my fists which was impossible since I was pulling the bags. I'm really good at getting annoyed and how I react is even more perv.
"We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience miss we will will change your room immediately"one of the attendant was saying when they saw the room. He dialled a certain number and talked of something to do with an emergency. I scowled and he looked at me,he must have noticed that I was getting tired  and he quickly grabbed a key and gave it to me.It read ROOM NO.69B.
Wow,my impatience sometimes needs some reward,I thought as I walked to look for my room. Now I really hoped nothing will mess up again.As I walked along the lengthy hallway I could hear noises and shouts as if there was a celebration going on.
And ofcourse,what do you expect in such a huge magnificent hotel,I guess thats why my dad loved it.
I walked slowly cause I wanted to know where the noise was coming from and crazy enough it was in a room just before the one I was heading to. I could hear male voices and very nice songs bring played. Somehow I was tempted to eavesdrop and check on my new neighbours but I was scared,someone might be walking this way or they might be having videos  and never forgetting the CCTVs of the hotel.
So,I just got to my door,openend and entered.It was a beautiful room.spaceous with fancy walls,huge LG tv with its decoder and a few music dvds fixed at a corner,one huge sofa,huge mahogany bed with a night lampshade beside it,a working desk with drawers and a huge closet fixed on the right side of the wall.The bathroom and toilet both in one corner of the room   also offering a jaccuzzi.After inspecting and concluding that my room was okay,I decided I should get a nap immediately just to get rid of the jetlag.
I had a hard time on deciding weather I should shower but I decided since I would need to go down for supper,I wouldn't need to change my clothes.So I closed the door and curled myself on the bed and I slept despite the noise from the neighbours.
Nash's pov
I was surprised to see the guys standing on a huge balcony pearing and making funny faces. They directly went to me.
"I missed you big bro" cameron said
"IT'S SUMMERTIME" Johnson said
"It's summertime summertime happiness" Jack Gilinsky sang.
"Hello nash the trash!!" Said the dolan twins.
"Oh my jeez I can't believe you people are here!!"
"Believe bro believe" said Aaron.
"Heyyaaa nashty" said taylor.
"Missed you too broo." I said back. They all laughes at my funny voice. Yeah I'm not a good singer
"Long time no see." Matt said
"Nash! Nash! Nash!" Carter exclaimed. I gave him a hug
"Twan??" I was surprised of seeing twan with us cause when I talked to him on the phone he told me that he can't come for business.
"Bro you said that you can't come because you have a business trip."
"I abandoned my business trip for after the vacation."
"Okayy guyss lets go and see Nash's room"
"Yayy!!" They all shouted. We all went to the reception. Johnson rang the bell on the reception desk.
"What can I help you uhh." The girl looked at all of us with the wtf look.
"Umm I want a room please"
"O-only o-one?"
"Okayy sir your room is 68B take your keys."
"Thanks ma'am"
"We headed to room 68B all of them were talking.
"So nash how was your trip?" Cameron asked
"Aghhh I missed the plane and was stuck with a crazy girl I would have slapped her in the face." I said remembering how I first met her. Aghhh crazyy
"Ohhh okayy we wanted to surprise you.. Ohh by the way Jack Johnson and Gilinsky and in this hitel they share the same room." Said cam as I unlocked the room. It was luxurious I loved it.

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