I just can't stop

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Jacob's POV

 I woke up with my arms around Kyla and her sleeping peacefully. I decided to wake her up so we can leave the hospital and I could take her home. Maybe her and I could do something together today.

Jacob: *shakes Kyla* Wake up Kyla. Rise and shine sleeping beauty.

Kyla: *yawns* Good morning baby.

Jacob: Good morning. Let's get up so I can take you home.

Kyla: Okay.

We asked the doctor to call us if there were any new or worsening changes with Diamond. We keft the hospital and got in the car. I put the key in the ignition and started the car.

Jacob: So I'm gonna take you home so you can get cleaned up and dressed. Then I'm gonna come back and get you so we can hang out.

Kyla: I'd love to but I have to babysit my sisters today.

Jacob: That's even better we can take your sisters to the park, then out to eat, and  then to see a movie.

Kyla: Are you sure? You don't have to do all of this.

Jacob: It's okay. I want to.

Kyla: Aww. Your so sweet.

Jacob: You know how I do. *pops collar* *starts driving towards Kyla's house*

10 minutes later

Jacob: Okay we're here. I'll be back in about an hour in a half to pick you up. *pecks her lips*

Kyla: Okay. Bye Afro Puff. *gets outthe car*

Kyla's POV

Kyla: MOM! I'M HOME!

Kyla's Mom (Carla): Okay baby. I made you some breakfast. It's on the counter and your little sisters are upstairs in their room. I'm off to work. Love you. Bye. *kisses her cheek and walks out the door*

I walk up the stairs and into my sisters room.

Kyla: Hey thing one and thing two.

Kaitlyn: Hey girl.

Kailyn: Hey Kyla.

Kyla: You wo need to take showers and I will go pick out your clothes.

Kailyn: I thought we were stayiing home.

Kaitlyn: Yeah. Where are we going?

Kyla: My boyfriend Jacob wants to take you guys to the park, to eat, and then  to see a movie.

Kailtlyn: Yay! Can we go see Epic?

Kyla: Sure.

Kailyn: Wait when did you get a boyfriend?

Kyla: Yesterday.

Kailyn: Well does he have any brothers?

Kyla: I don't know but you  can ask him when he gets here. But one of you go take showers.

Kaitlyn: I call first.

Kailyn: Okay. Just don't use all the hot water.

I go pick out something for Kaitlyn and Kailyn to waer and I iron it. Then I pick out something for me to wear. -Kaitlyn and Kailyn outfits in comments-

A/N- Kyla's outfits will be in the next chapter's comments.

After Kaitlyn and Kialyn take their showers, I make them both bowls of lucky charms and turn the tv on to Jessie. As they sing the theme song, I head upstairs to take my shower. I turn on the radio and Giirls love Beyonce comes on. I hopped in the shower and sang along.

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