A Brewing Storm

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As Sam awakens to the shouts of the other children, it's a new day, and time for class. Getting into his uniform, he trots outside with a limp leg and finds that everyone in his room is late for class! Remembering that he had been called into Reading class first, he runs downstairs, and finally reaches his class. The teacher, an old, thin woman possessing a face full of wrinkles, walks on a cane, which Sam concludes, That cane isn't just used for walking. With a brisk charge, she slaps him with the cane, and Sam finds a seat. The boring class continues and more bullies (idiots!) accuse him. "Hey Mr. Hagger!" one shouts, "A nice book you've got." Then he knocks them to the ground, despite having the same books as Sam, and the deaf teacher doesn't notice. Again, how is this building legal? Soal thought. It was in a secret government area controlled by none other than the notorious company known as Lint Corp Industries.

Lint Corp had a funny story, since it was founded in 2073. It was a corporation created to protect the world and help it from its global warming problems, but they just seemed to make the whole thing worse. A suspicious company in many eyes, they mutinously seized the crystal Lint from Mars, where it was found by NASA, a dying company. Lint was a glowing pink crystal that is claimed to grant any wish. However, this also made it a subject of much jealousy long before it was found by any high-rank human, when an alien called Memacerium sought it to stop the Eternal War on his planet. Lint Corp used Lint to create wacky and and suspicious inventions that they still create. Using these creations they took control of the government, and became the leading business in the entire world. About forty-five million work in Lint Corp, led by just two main owners, President Strallatropharh and "Conductor" Flynnlecke. These two led the especially unusual Hypersleep experiment, and many more of course, but this school was merely another experiment as well. But for some odd reason the mistress hated Lint Corp, as she was chosen randomly out of a group of even more hideous women. But this school was also made for a more specific subject unknown to the workers and the children.

As the studies continued, more stupefying bullying ensued, and Sam became very angry. But once more, the same boy defended him. He didn't dare to actually communicate with Sam, but he had hope that he might make his first friend. And thirty-five more enemies! Every day continued the same way. In fact, this place was more like an old-timely orphanage than a boarding school, which would make a lot of sense. The meals were terrible. It all reminded Sam of some old movie he'd seen when he was young. And just as in that movie, there was something more to this school than the workers think.

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