Chapter 3

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Pic of Crystal and Power Trip by J.Cole------------------>

"LISETTE GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!" Dustin yelled banging against the thin glass which separated them.

"Ay dios mio (Oh my God) Dustin calm down." Lisette said quietly.

"Yo why is he crying for?" A lady with cornrows asked Lisette slightly laughing at Dustin. Lisette snapped her head in the woman's direction, answering her quickly.

"He is not crying, he's laughing that's how we laugh." Lisette said this so her man wouldn't look like a punk she then stood up and went to the window and mimicked her husbands actions. "OH MY GOD DUSTIN HAHAHA!!! YES BABY THAT IS TOO FUNNY." The lady looked at her in disbelief and carried on with her conversation.


"Damn Mami you gonna be the mother of my child!" Angel yelled as Crystal, Lisette's sister was waiting for Lisette to leave the local precinct.

"Angel can you shut up that girl does not want you." Crystal said putting on her sunglasses.

"Its alright Chica, don't be jealous there's enough dick for everyone." Crystal rolled her eyes and lifted her sunglasses up looking into Angel's eyes, taking a step closer to him.

"Baby we already went through this I like girls not guys and I'm not bisexual." Her neck rolled in a ghetto manner.

"Shit Crystal it was worth a try, don't knock it till' you try it Nena." Angel said slyly thinking one day he will supply Crystal with that good dick.

Lisette walked towards the two clearly pissed at what she just heard. "Yo Lisette what happened?" Angel asked.

She stopped walking for a second to get her cell out to check the time, "his bail is fucking seventeen hundred, where the fuck am I gonna get the money when I don't even work".

"For a fucking laptop?" Angel questioned.

She pulled out a cigarette from her bag and lit it. Lisette only smoked when she was stressed, frustrated, or just mad, if she was nervous she would always flip her wavy hair to sit on her right shoulder.

She blew out the extra smoke and looked at Angel, giving him puppy eyes. "Nah Lisette don't look at me like that I gotta get my car out the shop."

Lisette rolled her eyes then looked at her sister literally begging, "Crystal pleassssse." Lisette asked.

"No Lisette I need that money for surgery." Crystal was always insecure about her small chest which was a 32AA and no ass but would stand out in a room full of women any day. So she was saving up her money so she could have what she wanted, but she didn't need it.

"Oh My God Crystal, I'll take you behind the alley and do that shit myself. Just give me 5 dollars."Lisette said chuckling.

"Baby girl they just the right size for me." Angel said pulling Crystal towards him kissing her cheek. Crystal scowled pushing him a little as they walked. .

"Lisette Meda think about the modeling."

"Crystal I have to play Dustin's number ."

"She knows damn well she better play Dustin's number."Angel said getting into the middle of the conversation. Both of the sisters looked at him up and down before saying,


"And." Crystal said blankly continuing what she was saying before Angel rudely interrupted then continued, "Lisette Fuck Dustin's number and go to the agency."

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