Chapter 5

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Pic of Margarita and Angel--->

Play the song once you see the name Why don't we fall in love.

The EBT card was placed on the counter as Mr.Soto looked up confused. "This is yours?" Lisette placed Kai higher on her hip slightly embarrassed.

"Yeah just until Dustin gets out of jail."

"Lisette food stamps, EBT is for comida not diapers." Mr.Soto stated, Lisette shook her head knowingly.

"I know but I really need them." She pleaded. Lil D' and India were chasing each other throughout the store. "Aye if you two don't stop." Lisette said squinting her eyes at them. They stoped and stood next to her right away.

Margarita was in the back of the store stacking cans the whole entire time just listening to their conversation. "Look Mr.Sotto I don't have anymore money and all they gave me were the food stamps, I really need the diapers." Margarita slowly walked behind Lisette chuckling at her pettiness.

"Are you trying to make my father cheat the system?" Margarita asked chuckling once again pulling the crop top she had on up more showing her stomach with her tight booty shorts on. Lisette ignored her rubbing Kai's back because he was getting fussy.

"Okay Lisette I let you have the diapers but not the cigare--

Mr.Sotto was cut off by Margarita interupting snatching the diapers out of his hand. "No NO No Papi don't let her have nothing, should just report her black ass to welfare." She said getting in Lisette's face.

Lisette held her tongue for to long and finally said something. "How about you mind your own FUCKING business."

"Aye watch the language you two, my grandson's trying to sleep." Mr.Sotto looked back at nine month old Richie smiling. Lisette put Kai down holding his hand so he wouldn't walk away.

"Ain't nobody told you to come to this store Lisette." Margarita pointed her finger in Lisette's face, "It says MARGARITA'S on that sign out front, so this is my store, so if I tell you to leave you leave. So imma have to call the cops to take your black ass out of here." Margarita turned to the counter picking up her child not expecting what was going to happen next.

"Well my husband's dick has my name on it and I don't need no damn cops in here to take me!" Lisette was getting heated. Mr. Sotto came between them placing the grocery bags in Lisette's hands.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!." Margarita warned raising her voice not intimidated by Lisette.

"IF YOU KEEP RUNNING AFTER MY HUSBAND I WILL TOUCH YOU I'M RIPING THAT BLEACH BLONDE SHIT YOU CALL HAIR OUT YOUR SCALP!" Lisette was being pushed out the store with Kai now crying causing more noise.

"Yeah I'm so scared of you Bitch with that fat ass welfare check!!"

India and Lil D' stood watching as Lil D' picked up Kai patting his back softly.

"WELL AT LEAST MY KIDS KNOW WHO THEIR FATHER IS!!!" Once Lisette said that Margarita threw the food stamps in Lisettes face about to attack her.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DAMN CHARITY CASE ! DIRTY BLACK MIERDA. (shit) They both started screaming and cursing in Spanish causing a scene.

"Here take the cigarettes." Mr. Sotto pushed them in Lisettes hand after Margarita said something about Lisette being half Jamaican.

"STUPID ASS BLOODCLART PUTA!" Lisette screamed as Angel pulled her back telling her to walk home with the kids.


Lisette slamed the bathroom door shut turning on the radio, it was playing Why don't we fall in love by 'Amerie'. "Son of a bitch." She muttered to herself looking in the mirror throwing her wedding ring in the sink. She pulled the glass shower door back sitting in the empty tub. All Lisette wanted to do was escape her problems, go back to days that were better. Like the first time she met Dustin.

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