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Nesha: bitchhh say ummmm....anywhere I wouldn't mind


*maya quickly texted n said Wat nesha said ..he replied back n said OK its gonna be a surprise.. She said aright
Text conversation!

Maya:OK Wat day n time .

Jason:are u free tomorrow n bout 6 sum ..I'll come pick u up

Maya:yeah I'm free n OK I'll give u my address tomorrow

Jason: alright see you tomorrow

Maya:see ya

*maya told nesha n she was happy for her but wait ....maya still pregnant..... She gotta tell him Wat will he think *

Nesha: maya ..u gotta tell him bout the baby

Maya:omg I forgot .I'm finna tell n him

Text conversation

Maya:jashon I have to tell u something

Jason: Wat is it

Maya:well I'm 3 months pregnant ..but Im not n a relationship tho me n my ex broke up ..because of the baby ..n I understand if u don't wanna get to know me anymore




*maya was so scared .time passed n ..he didn't text back for a while *

Maya-omg nesha he didn't text back ..manee

Nesha:maya its okay ..

Maya: no its no-
.*she get cut off by her phone was Jason she was scared to open it but she did *

Text conversation
Jason: that's fine I love kids its ashamed tht he wouldn't wanna take care of his kids ....I'll help u its no ..problem ..wym u understand ..I still wanna get to know u .your yo beautiful to not have someone n your life ...u should be taken care of

Maya: ohh my thanks thts the Nicest thing anybody has said to me

Jason : lol I bet u blushing n I didn't text back sooner because I left my charger at home n I was stuck n traffic

Maya: lmao maybe n ohh must sucked

*hours went on n they was still texting nesha had left n went home ...they was texting all day n night until they both fell asleep *

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