next morning

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*maya wake up n see was nesha still three n she was ..knocked out ....lmao she tired IG ..maya go do her personal things and didn't feel like cooking breakfast so she woke up nesha *

Nesha :wtf u want

Maya: I'm hungry u wanna go to IHOP or sum

Nesha: no go .to McDonald's ion feel like getting up ..n bring me sum back

Maya: ughh stfu n OK ...n imma go apply for me sum jobs to ..u wanna come

Nesha: oo yeah ..I need one

Maya: aright brb

*maya went to McDonald's n got her n nesha sum breakfast.. But they forgot to give her one of her items she was walking back n there n she slipped on something. ..but somebody caught her .....she turned around*

Stranger: woah u OK

*he was so gorgeous... She was starring until he start waving his hand n her face to get her attention*

Stranger: miss.....miss

Maya: huh ...thank u

Stranger: I was asking u was u okay

Maya: oh yeah I just don't know what I slipped on

Stranger: ohh be careful next time
Maya:lol I will

* they both was going inside off McDonald's he was a gentleman and opened the door for her .she was blushing ...n he saw tht ...

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