the date

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Jason: ohh my I thought I told u nun tight ..n u tried me ..but my god u look amazing

Maya:thanks ..u don't look so bad your self

Jason:ohh here these for u


Jason:your welcome let's go

*he drove to this unknown place ...maya got kinda scared ...*

Maya:ummmhmm where we going

Jason: its a surprised

Maya: ...noo I don't like this * starts getting paranoid *

Jason:wats wrong .. I'm not gone hurt u trust me ...I've never hurt any woman OK ..


Jason: close your eyes ...please trust me


*she closed her eyes .....he took her hand n walked n this dark place ..he then turned on the lights n told her to open her eyes was so romantic was balloon everywhere flowers ...candle walk path ...the walk down the candle path at the end there was a table with candles on it flowers and there was a dinner with a cover over the food ..he pull her seat out and she sat down and was enjoying every moment*

Maya:omg ..imma cry ..this is like so cute nobody has never did anything like this before

Jason: lol don't cry u should be  treated like this all the time can I get to know u

Maya 'yeah Wat u wanna know

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