Blue Eyes

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Come now, blue eyes,

Don’t dart away

Like the fish in the reef

Like the birds on the branch.

You glitter within reach,

Take a breath, quiet footsteps,

Don’t make a sound

Don’t disturb the wildlife.

Too late, perhaps a blade

Of grass cried in protest

When it was trodden on;

Dart away, dart away.

Come now, green eyes,

Don’t bound away

Like the hare in the wood

Like the roo in the bush.

You beckon me closer,

Hold your breath, take a step,

Keep your eyes fixed

On the prize.

Too far, perhaps a gust

Of breeze skidded

The ground, alerted the animal;

Bound away, bound away.

Come now, brown eyes,

Don’t run away

Like the fox in the sand

Like the vole in the reeds.

You hulk down far away

Looking up, ever wary,

Creep forwards, don’t alert

The animals.

Too late, perhaps the Earth

Moved a little out of

Rotation while it span.

Run away, run away.

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